publication venue for
- Photoluminescence and Stoichiometry Correlation in Nanocrystalline EuOx Thin Films: Tunable Color Emission. 124:15434-15439. 2020
- Nanostructured Au(111)/Oxide epitaxial heterostructures with tailoring plasmonic response by a one-step strategy. 123:25294-25302. 2019
- Local and medium range order influence on the magnetic behavior of sputtered Ga-Rich FeGa thin films. 123:13131-13135. 2019
- Emission Decay Pathways Sensitive to Circular Polarization of Excitation. 122:23910-23916. 2018
- Stabilization of Epitaxial a-Fe2O3 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition on Oxide Substrates. 122:16042-16047. 2018
- Consequences of nitrogen doping and oxygen enrichment on titanium local order and photocatalytic performance of TiO2 anatase. 121:6770-6780. 2017
- Resonant Energy Transport in Dye-Filled Monolithic Crystals of Zeolite L: Modeling of Inhomogeneity. 120:27192-27199. 2016
- Fluorinated Carbamates as Suitable Solvents for LiTFSI-Based Lithium-Ion Electrolytes: Physicochemical Properties and Electrochemical Characterization. 119:22404-22414. 2015
- All-Optical Nanometric Switch Based on the Directional Scattering of Semiconductor Nanoparticles. 119:19558-19564. 2015
- Incommensurate growth of thin and ultrathin films of single-phase Fe3O4(001) on SrTiO3(001). 119:1108-1112. 2015
- Excimer Formation by Steric Twisting in Carbazole and Triphenylamine-Based Host Materials. 119:2380-2387. 2015
- Thermal diffusion at nanoscale: from CoAu alloy nanoparticles to Co@Au core/shell structures. 117:3101-3108. 2013
- How do Triplets and Charges Move in Disordered Organic Semiconductors? A Monte Carlo Study Comprising the Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Regime. 116:16371-16383. 2012