publication venue for Mitigation of airfoil gust loads through pitch. 60:5273-5285. 2022 Characterization of Aerodynamic Forces on Wings in Plunge Maneuvers. 59:736-747. 2021 Effect of transverse gust velocity profiles. 58:5123-5133. 2020 Three-Dimensional Effects on Plunging Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers. 59:65-74. 2020 Analysis of Local Stress Ratio for Delamination in Composites Under Fatigue Loads. 58. 2020 Theory of Weakly Exothermic Oblique Detonations. 58:236-242. 2020 Influence of aspect ratio on dynamic stall of a finite wing. 57:2722-2733. 2019 Nonlinear structural, nonlinear aerodynamic model for static aeroelastic problems. 57:2158-2170. 2019 Homogenous Turbulence Dynamics. 57:886-887. 2019 Minimum Induced Drag Conditions for Truss-Braced Wings. 56. 2018 Interaction of Oblique Shocks and Laminar Shear Layers. 56:1023-1030. 2018 Smart Rotors: Dynamic-Stall Load Control by Means of an Actuated Flap. 56:1388-1401. 2018 Minimum Induced Drag Theorems for Multiwing Systems. 55:3266-3287. 2017 Weak-shock interactions with transonic laminar mixing layers of fuels for high-speed propulsion. 54:962-975. 2016 Invariant Formulation for the Minimum Induced Drag Conditions of Nonplanar Wing Systems. 52:2223-2240. 2014 Nonlinear Analysis of PrandtlPlane Joined Wings: Effects of Anisotropy. 52:964-980. 2014 Hypersonic test analysis by means of aerothermal coupling methodology and infrared thermography. 51:1755-1769. 2013 Numerical Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Ram Phenomenon in Aircraft Fuel Tanks. 50:1621-1630. 2012