publication venue for
- Magnetic cork particles as reinforcement in an epoxy resin: effect of size and amount on thermal properties. 148:1981-1995. 2023
- Process design and thermoeconomic evaluation of a CO2 liquefaction process driven by waste exhaust heat recovery for an industrial CO2 capture and utilization plant. 145:1585-1597. 2021
- Application of thermal analysis in the selection of polymer components used as a binder for metal injection moulding of Co-Cr-Mo alloy powder. 134:391-399. 2018
- Study of the thermal degradation of bioactive sol-gel coatings for the optimization of its curing process. 107:499-508. 2012
- Preparation of cycloaliphatic epoxy hybrids with non-conventional amine-curing agent. 103:717-723. 2010