publication venue for
- Spongy nano surface architecture of chemically grown BiVO4: High-capacitance retentive electrochemical supercapacitor. 46:25586-25595. 2021
- Analysis of an idealized counter-current microchannel-based reactor to produce hydrogen-rich syngas from methanol. 44:23807-23820. 2019
- Polymer modified sulfonated PEEK ionomers membranes and the use of Ru3Pd6Pt as cathode catalyst for H-2/O-2 fuel cells. 44:295-303. 2019
- Power unit SOFC-MTG model in Electromagnetic Transient Software PSCAD. 43:5386-5397. 2018
- Critical slot size for deflagration initiation by hot products discharge into hydrogen air-atmospheres. 42:1298-1305. 2017
- Characterization of La2-xSrxCoTiO6 (0.6 <= x <= 1.0) series as new cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells. 39:5440-5450. 2014
- Design of industrially scalable microtubular solid oxide fuel cells based on an extruded support. 39:5470-5476. 2014
- Polymer blends of SPEEK for DMFC application at intermediate temperatures. 39:5121-5136. 2014
- Synthesis and characterization of polysulfone/layered double hydroxides nanocomposite membranes for fuel cell application. 39:4016-4022. 2014
- Critical radius for hot-jet ignition of hydrogen-air mixtures. 38:3105-3109. 2013
- Flammability conditions for ultra-lean hydrogen premixed combustion based on flame-ball analyses. 37:1813-1825. 2012
- Nonlinear orthotropic model of the inhomogeneous assembly compression of PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers. 36:18856-18870. 2011
- Novel ultrathin composite membranes of Nafion/PVA for PEMFCs. 36:9886-9895. 2011