publication venue for Composition, Optical Resonances, and Doping of InP/InGaP Nanowires for Tandem Solar Cells: a Micro-Raman Analysis. 18. 2024 Substrate Stiffness-Driven Membrane Tension Modulates Vesicular Trafficking via Caveolin-1. 16:4322-4337. 2022 Leakiness of Pinned Neighboring Surface Nanobubbles Induced by Strong Gas-Surfice Interaction. 12:2603-2609. 2018 Impact of Rotational Twin Boundaries and Lattice Mismatch on III-V Nanowire Growth. 11:8679-8689. 2017 All Subdomains of the Talin Rod Are Mechanically Vulnerable and May Contribute to Cellular Mechanosensing. 10:6648-6658. 2016 Substrate-Induced Variations of Molecular Packing, Dynamics, and Intermolecular Electronic Couplings in Pentacene Monolayers on the Amorphous Silica Dielectric. 8:690-700. 2013 Clean Nanotube Unzipping by Abrupt Thermal Expansion of Molecular Nitrogen: Graphene Nanoribbons with Atomically Smooth Edges. 6:2261-2272. 2012 Sharpening the Chemical Scissors to Unzip Carbon Nanotubes: Crystalline Graphene Nanoribbons. 4:1775-1781. 2010 Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopic Studies of a DNA-Dispersed Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solution. 4:1060-1066. 2010