publication venue for
- Performance analysis of input shaped model reference adaptive control for a single-link flexible manipulator. 1-13. 2023
- Robust optimal proportional-integral-derivative controller design for a class of uncertain second-order delay-free and time-delay systems. 28:2061-2073. 2022
- Eco-localization of a prey in a spider orb web. 28:1229-1238. 2022
- Selection of a mother wavelet as identification pattern for the detection of cracks in shafts. 1-10. 2021
- A Novel Inverse Dynamic Model for a Magnetorheological Damper based on Network Inversion. 24:3434-3453. 2018
- Identification of an open crack in a beam with variable profile by two resonant frequencies. 24:839-859. 2018
- Axisymmetric free vibration of closed thin spherical nanoshells with bending effects. 22:3789-3806. 2016
- Identification of two cracks with different severity in beams and rods from minimal frequency data. 22:3102-3117. 2016
- Automatic detection of cracked rotors combining multiresolution analysis and artificial neural networks. 21:3047-3060. 2015
- An intelligent system for faulty-bearing detection based on vibration spectra. 17:931-942. 2011