publication venue for Community energy solutions for addressing energy poverty: A local case study in Spain. 296. 2023 An innovative approach to assess the limitations of characterizing solar gains in buildings: A Spanish case study. 293. 2023 A detailed view of the Adaptive-Comfort-Control-Implementation Script (ACCIS): The capabilities of the automation system for adaptive setpoint temperatures in building energy models. 288:1-15. 2023 Extending the use of adaptive thermal comfort to air-conditioning: The case study of a local Japanese comfort model in present and future scenarios. 285. 2023 Is the analysis scale crucial to assess energy poverty? analysis of yearlyand monthly assessments using the 2 M indicator in the south of Spain. 285. 2023 Methods, data sources and applications of the Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Poverty context: A review. 268:0-13. 2022 Low-energy structures embedded with smart dampers. 177:375-384. 2018 Advanced detection of HVAC faults using unsupervised SVM novelty detection and Gaussian process models. 149:216-224. 2017 Air-based solar systems for building heating with PCM fluidized bed energy storage. 130:150-165. 2016 PCM in the heat rejection loops of absorption chillers. A feasibility study for the residential sector in Spain. 80:331-351. 2014 Experimental comparison of two solar-driven air-cooled LiBr/H2O absorption chillers: Indirect versus direct air-cooled system. 62:323-334. 2013 An innovative solar-driven directly air-cooled LiBr-H2O absorption chiller prototype for residential use. 47:1-11. 2012 Instantaneous performance of solar collectors for domestic hot water, heating and cooling applications. 45:152-160. 2012 Comparative Study of Energy Regulations for Buildings in Italy and Spain. 40:1805-1815. 2008