publication venue for
- Thermal characterization and diffusivity of two mono-component epoxies for transformer insulation. 103:1-9. 2020
- Intensity of singular stress field (ISSF) variation as a function of the Young's modulus in single lap adhesive joints. 95:102418(1)-102418(9). 2019
- Effect of the geometry in the strength of single-lap adhesive joints of composite laminates under uniaxial tensile load. 72:23-29. 2017
- Experimental method for the determination of material parameters of plasticity models for toughened adhesives. 68:182-187. 2016
- Silane pretreatment of electrogalvanized steels: effect on adhesive properties. 65:54-62. 2016
- Surface modification of aircraft used composites for adhesive bonding. 50:157-163. 2014
- Cold plasma effect on short glass fibre reinforced composites adhesion properties. 48:85-91. 2014
- Modification of glass surfaces adhesion properties by atmospheric pressure plasma torch. 44:1-8. 2013
- Development of improved polypropylene adhesive bonding by abrasion and atmospheric plasma surface modifications. 33:1-6. 2012
- Influence of thread geometry on the performance of retaining anaerobic adhesives. 31:429-433. 2011
- Analytical Solution to Calculate the Stress Distribution in Pin-and-Collar Samples Bonded with Anaerobic Adhesives (Following ISO 10123 Standard). 28:405-410. 2008