publication venue for
- Unsourced multiple access with random user activity. 69:4537-4558. 2023
- Generalized Perfect Codes for Symmetric Classical-Quantum Channels. 68:5923-5936. 2022
- Coded caching with heterogeneous user profiles 2022
- Coded Caching With Full Heterogeneity: Exact Capacity of the Two-User/Two-File Case 2022
- Fundamental Limits of Demand-Private Coded Caching. 68:4106-4134. 2022
- Scaling Laws for Gaussian Random Many-Access Channels. 68:2429-2459. 2022
- Error probability bounds for Gaussian channels under maximal and average power constraints. 67:3965 -3985. 2021
- Spatially coupled generalized LDPC codes: asymptotic analysis and finite length scaling. 67:3708 -3723. 2021
- Interactive secure function computation. 66:5492 -5521. 2020
- On Single-Antenna Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength. 66:496-519. 2020
- On the Information Dimension of Stochastic Processes. 65:6496-6518. 2019
- Coded Caching for Distributed Storage. 65:7743-7755. 2019
- A Probabilistic Peeling Decoder to Efficiently Analyze Generalized LDPC Codes Over the BEC. 65: 4831-4853. 2019
- The Error Probability of Generalized Perfect Codes via the Meta-Converse. 9. 2019
- Function Computation Through a Bidirectional Relay. 65:902-916. 2019
- Superadditivity of Quantum Relative Entropy for General States 2018
- A Rigorous Approach to High-Resolution Entropy-Constrained Vector Quantization. 64:2609-2625. 2018
- The Shannon lower bound is asymptotically tight. 62:6155-6161. 2016
- Multi-Class Source-Channel Coding. 62:5093-5104. 2016
- Bayesian M-ary hypothesis testing: the meta-converse and Verdu-Han bounds are tight. 62:2324-2333. 2016
- Finite Sampling in Multiple Generated U-Invariant Subspaces. 62:2203-2212. 2016
- A Scaling Law to Predict the Finite-Length Performance of Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes. 61:3164-3184. 2015
- A rate-splitting approach to fading channels with imperfect channel-state information. 60:4266-4285. 2014
- Quasi-Static Multiple-Antenna Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength. 60:4232-4265. 2014
- A Derivation of the Source-Channel Error Exponent Using Nonidentical Product Distributions. 60:3209-3217. 2014
- Information-Estimation Relationships Over Binomial and Negative Binomial Models. 60. 2014
- High-SNR Asymptotics of Mutual Information for Discrete Constellations with Applications to BICM. 60:1061-1076. 2014
- At low SNR, asymmetric quantizers are better. 59:5421-5445. 2013
- Tree-structure expectation propagation for LDPC decoding over the BEC. 59:3354-3377. 2013
- On noncoherent fading relay channels at high signal-to-noise ratio. 59:2221-2241. 2013
- MIMO Gaussian Channels With Arbitrary Inputs: Optimal Precoding and Power Allocation. 56:1070-1084. 2010
- New [47,15,16] Linear Binary Block Code. 54:423-424. 2008