publication venue for
- Artificial Intelligence for Elastic Management and Orchestration of 5G Networks. 26:134-141. 2019
- POSENS: a practical open source solution for end-to-end network slicing. 25:30-37. 2018
- Performance assessment of open software platforms for 5G prototyping. 25:10-15. 2018
- 5G-crosshaul: an SDN/NFV integrated fronthaul/backhaul transport network architecture. 24:38-45. 2017
- Xhaul: toward an integrated fronthaul/backhaul architecture in 5G networks. 22:32-40. 2015
- Toward self-authenticable wearable devices. 22:36-43. 2015
- An architecture for software defined wireless networking. 21:52-61. 2014
- Device-to-device communications with WiFi Direct: overview and experimentation. 20:96-104. 2013
- Client and network-based dual stack mobility management. 19:74-82. 2012
- Dependability Issues With Ubiquitous Wireless Access. 15:8-9. 2008
- An Overview of IEEE 802.21: Media-Independent Handover Services. 15:96-103. 2008
- Cruise Research Activities Toward Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Environments. 15:52-60. 2008