publication venue for
- Modular 3-D-printed education tool for blind and visually impaired students oriented to net structures. 66:55-61. 2023
- Augmented reality-based simulators as discovery learning tools: an empirical study. 58:208-213. 2015
- Motivation and emotions in competition systems for education: An empirical study. 57:182-187. 2014
- Problem-based learning in wind energy using virtual and real setups. 55:126-134. 2012
- Sending Learning Pills to Mobile Devices in Class to Enhance Student Performance and Motivation in Network Services Configuration Courses. 55:83-87. 2012
- Description and assessment of activities oriented to enhance a first course on power electronics. 54:531-539. 2011
- Step-by-step design of an FPGA-based digital compensator for DC/DC converters oriented to an introductory course. 54:599-609. 2011
- Enhancement of Student Learning Through the Use of a Hinting Computer e-Learning System and Comparison with Human Teachers. 54:164-167. 2011
- Analyzing Convergence in e-Learning Resource Filtering Based on ACO Techniques: A Case Study With Telecommunication Engineering Students. 53:542-546. 2010
- Reverse Engineering and Software Products Reuse to Teach Collaborative Web Portals: A Case Study With Final-Year Computer Science Students. 53:595-607. 2010
- Educational Experiences Detecting, Using, and Representing Ternary Relationships in Database Design. 53:358-364. 2010
- Student Behavior and Interaction Patterns with an LMS as Motivation Predictors in E-Learning Settings. 53:463-470. 2010