publication venue for
- Matrix Pearson equations satisfied by Koornwinder weights in two variables. 153:81-100. 2018
- Zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials via Muckenhoupt inequality with three measures. 142:9-37. 2016
- The Kramer sampling theorem revisited. 133:87-111. 2014
- Existence of solutions for semilinear nonlocal elliptic problems via a Bolzano theorem. 127:87-104. 2013
- Higher Order Coherent Pairs. 121:105-135. 2012
- Vector Interpretation of the Matrix Orthogonality on the Real Line. 112:357-383. 2010
- The Multiplication Operator, Zero Location and Asymptotic for Non-Diagonal Sobolev Norms. 111:205-218. 2010
- q-Classical Orthogonal Polynomials: A General Difference Calculus Approach. 111:107-128. 2010
- Asymptotic Properties of Orthogonal Polynomials with Respect to a Non-discrete Jacobi-Sobolev Inner Product. 110:1309-1320. 2010
- Sobolev Spaces with Respect to Measures in Curves and Zeros of Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials. 104:325-353. 2008