publication venue for
- Supporting the serendipitous use of domestic technologies. 15:16-25. 2016
- Software Support for Multitouch Interaction: The End-User Programming Perspective. 15:78-86. 2016
- In-Home Activity Recognition: Bayesian Inference for Hidden Markov Models. 13:67-75. 2014
- Touching the knowledge : Contextualized Pervasive learning Ecosystems. 10:52-53. 2011
- A Collaborative Recommender System Based on Space-Time Similarities. 9:81-87. 2010
- Human-Display Interaction Technology: Emerging Remote Interfaces for Pervasive Display Environments. 9:72-76. 2010
- Guaranteeing the Authenticity of Location Information. 7:72-80. 2008