publication venue for
- 4D Trajectory Planning Based on Fast Marching Square for UAV Teams. 25:5703-5717. 2024
- Event-Triggered Robust Path Tracking Control Considering Roll Stability Under Network-Induced Delays for Autonomous Vehicles. 24:14743-14756. 2023
- Automatic Extrinsic Calibration Method for LiDAR and Camera Sensor Setups. 23:17677-17689. 2022
- Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convolutional Representations on LiDAR. 23:14608-14619. 2022
- Detection of Motorcycles in Urban Traffic Using Video Analysis: A Review. 22:6115 -6130. 2021
- Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring Multisensory Incremental Models. 22:3372 -3372 . 2021
- Learning probabilistic awareness models for detecting abnormalities in vehicle motions. 21:1308-1320. 2020
- Efficient scale-adaptive license plate detection system. 20:2109-2121. 2019
- Predicting upcoming values of stress while driving. 18:1802-1811. 2017
- Railway Traffic Conflict Detection via a State Transition Prediction Approach. 18:1268-1278. 2017
- A Constrained Dual Kalman Filter Based on pdf Truncation for Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and Road Bank Angle: Analysis and Experimental Validation. 18:1006-1016. 2017
- A hybrid optimal control approach to fuel-efficient aircraft conflict avoidance. 17:1826-1838. 2016
- Discovering regions where users drive inefficiently on regular journeys. 16:221-234. 2015
- Driver monitoring based on low-cost 3-D sensors. 15:1855-1860. 2014
- Validating the Impact on Reducing Fuel Consumption by Using an EcoDriving Assistant Based on Traffic Sign Detection and Optimal Deceleration Patterns. 14:1023-1028. 2013
- A Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis of Urban Traffic. 12:920-939. 2011