publication venue for
- Quantum-Classical Coexistence in Multi-band Optical Networks: A Noise Analysis of QKD 2024
- Coded Caching With File and Demand Privacy. 26:1979-1983. 2022
- Pilot decontamination processing in cell-free massive MIMO. 25:3990-3994. 2021
- Position-Based Adaptive Power Back-off for User Electromagnetic Exposure Management in Millimeter Wave Systems. 11:86-90. 2021
- On the ASER performance of UAV-based communication systems for QAM schemes. 25:1835-1838. 2021
- Energy Efficient Subchannel and Power Allocation in Cooperative VLC Systems. 25:1935-1939. 2021
- Optimization of the Receiving Orientation Angle for Zero-Forcing Precoding in VLC. 25:921-925. 2021
- Fast updates for line-rate hyperloglog-based cardinality estimation. 24:2737-2741. 2020
- GoT: Decreasing DCC Queuing for CAM Messages. 24:2974-2978. 2020
- Increasing Throughput in Wireless Communications by Grouping Similar Quality Bits. 24:2450-2453. 2020
- Denial of service attack on cuckoo filter based networking systems. 24:1428-1432. 2020
- Security of HyperLogLog (HLL) Cardinality Estimation: Vulnerabilities and Protection. 24:976-980. 2020
- Collision-Free Sequential Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing. 24:71-75. 2020
- Measuring BGP Route Propagation Times. 23: 2432 - 2436. 2019
- Improving packet flow counting with fingerprint counting. 24:76-80. 2019
- CFBF: Reducing the Insertion Time of Cuckoo Filters with an Integrated Bloom Filter. 23:1857-1861. 2019
- Timing Estimation based on Higher-Order Cyclostationarity for Faster-than-Nyquist Signals. 23:1373-1376. 2019
- Strengths and Weaknesses of the ETSI Adaptive DCC Algorithm: A Proposal for Improvement. 23:802-805. 2019
- The Transfer Load-I/O Trade-off for Coded Caching. 22:1524-1527. 2018
- Oversubscription dimensioning of next-generation PONs with different service levels. 20:1341-1344. 2016
- Approaching the DT Bound Using Linear Codes in the Short Blocklength Regime. 19:123-126. 2015
- Measurement-Based Modeling of Interarrivals for the Simulation of Highway Vehicular Networks. 18:2181-2184. 2014
- Energy-Efficient Optimization for Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling. 18:1083-1086. 2014
- Achievable rate and fairness in coordinated base station transmission. 18:584-587. 2014
- Polar codes for the Rayleigh fading channel. 17:2352-2355. 2013
- Evaluating Energy Efficiency of ONUs Having Multiple Power Levels in TDM-PONs. 17:1248-1251. 2013
- Robust Timing Synchronization for Multicarrier Systems Based on RST Invariance. 17:1244-1247. 2013
- Comments on "Security Improvement of an RFID Security Protocol of ISO/IEC WD 29167-6". 17:805-807. 2013
- A Model to Quantify the Success of a Sybil Attack Targeting RELOAD/Chord Resources. 17:428-431. 2013
- Buffer Design Under Bursty Traffic with Applications in FCoE Storage Area Networks. 17:413-416. 2013
- Polar codes for Gaussian degraded relay channels. 17:365-368. 2013
- An Integrated Approach to Prevent Address Spoofing in IPv6 Links. 16:1900-1902. 2012
- On the Performance of Packet Aggregation in IEEE 802.11ac MU-MIMO WLANs. 16:1588-1591. 2012
- On the Design of LDPC-Convolutional Ensembles Using the TEP Decoder. 16:726-729. 2012
- Obey or Play: Asymptotic Equivalence of Slotted Aloha with a Game Theoretic Contention Model. 15:623-625. 2011
- Applying low discrepancy sequences for node-ID assignment in P2PSIP. 15:256-258. 2011
- Tree-Structured Expectation Propagation for Decoding Finite-Length LDPC Codes. 15:235-237. 2011
- ARP-Path: ARP-based Shortest Path Bridges. 15:770-773. 2010
- Performance Evaluation of LZ-Based Location Prediction Algorithms in Cellular Networks. 14:707-709. 2010
- Reduction of Power Envelope Fluctuations in OFDM Signals by using Neural Networks. 14:599-601. 2010
- Integrated Routing and Addressing for Improved IPv4 and IPv6 Coexistence. 14:477-479. 2010
- Detecting Selfish Configurations in 802.11 WLANs. 14:142-144. 2010
- Reid et al.'s Distance Bounding Protocol and Mafia Fraud Attacks over Noisy Channels. 14:121-123. 2010
- Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient Ethernet. 13:697-699. 2009
- Evaluation of Tree-Based Routing Ethernet. 13:444-446. 2009
- Decoupling Path Failure Detection from Congestion Control to Improve SCTP Failovers. 12:858-860. 2008