sample of publications
- Shifting Electorates and Preferences in Chiles Constitutional Process. PS - Political Science and Politics. 57:248-252. 2024
- The party system effects of unstable electoral rules in Latin America. Party Politics. 2023
- How Not to Write a Constitution: Lessons From Chile. Public Choice. 194:233-247. 2023
- ¿Cómo se debe regular un proceso constituyente? Reflexiones a partir de la experiencia chilena.. Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado. 55:282-309. 2022
- Tinkering with Executive Term Limits: Partisan Imbalances and Institutional Legacies in Latin America. Democratization. 29:38-56. 2022
- Deepening democracy? promises and challenges of Chiles road to a new constitution. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. 13:335-358. 2021
- Constitutional origins and liberal democracy: a global analysis 1900-2015. American Political Science Review. 115:522-536. 2021
- Constitution Making and Liberal Democracy: The Role of Citizens and Representative Elites. International Journal of Constitutional Law. 18:206-232. 2020
- La reforma del presidencialismo en América Latina: hacia un modelo híbrido. Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política. 27:131-151. 2018
- Democratic Constitution-Making Bodies: The Perils of a Partisan Convention. International Journal of Constitutional Law. 16:254-279. 2018
- Electoral Reform Under Limited Party Competition: The Adoption of Proportional Representation in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society. 60:27-51. 2018
- Constitution-Making in Comparative Perspective. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 1-43. 2017
- El poder constituyente en la tradición constitucional americana: el legado problemático de los escritos federalistas. Revista Chilena de Derecho. 43:787-812. 2016
- Procesos constituyentes y refundación democrática: el caso de Chile en perspectiva comparada. Revista de Ciencia Politica. 35:201-215. 2015
- Replacing and Amending Constitutions : the Logic of Constitutional Change in Latin America. Law & Society Review. 46:749-779. 2012
- Shifting Constitutional Designs in Latin America. A Two-Level Explanation. Texas Law Review. 89:1777-1805. 2011
- La Reforma Política en América Latina: reglas electorales y distribución de poder entre Presidente y Congreso. DESARROLLO ECONOMICO-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES. 50:197-221. 2010
- Political Parties and Institutional Design: Explaining Constitutional Choice in Latin America. British Journal of Political Science. 117-139. 2009
book chapters
- When (Electoral) Opportunity Knocks: Weak Institutions, Political Shocks, and Electoral Reforms in Latin America. In: The Politics of Institutional Weakness in Latin America. Cambridge University. 41-60. 2020
- Economic Crises, Political Fragmentation, and Constitutional Choice: The Agenda-Setting Power of Presidents in Latin America. In: Constitutions in Times of Financial Crisis. Cambridge University. 285-304. 2019
- Constituent assemblies in democratic regimes: the problem of a legally limited convention. In: Constituent assemblies. Cambridge University. 31-56. 2018
- Constitution making and constitutionalism in Latin America: the role of procedural rules. In: Comparative constitutional law in Latin America. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 17-56. 2017
- Constitution making in democratic constitutional orders: the challenge of citizen participation. In: Let the people rule? direct democracy in the twenty-first century. ECPR. EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM FOR POLITICAL RESEARCH. 21-40. 2016
- From Duverger to Rokkan and back: progress and challenges in the study of electoral systems. In: Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions. Routledge. 113-127. 2015
- Policymaking in Mexico under one-party hegemonyand divided government. In: Policy making in Latin America: how politics shape policies. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 287-328. 2008
- Redrafting constitutions in democratic regimes: theoretical and comparative perspectives. New York: Cambridge University. 2020
- La Política del Cambio Constitucional en América Latina. Buenos Aires y Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2015
- Making constitutions: presidents, parties, and institutional choice in Latin America. New York: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2013
working papers