sample of publications
- Women also know stuff: challenging the gender gap in political sophistication. American Political Science Review. 188:903-921. 2024
- Lexical ambiguity in political rhetoric: why morality doesn't fit in a bag of words. British Journal of Political Science. 54:201-219. 2024
- When information is not enough for strategic voting. Electoral Studies. 86:102692-1-102692-6. 2023
- Complaints about police misconduct have adverse effects for Black civilians. Political Science Research and Methods. 1-24. 2023
- Glass half-full or half empty: does optimism about women's representation in elected office matter?. Journal of Women, Politics and Policy. 44:139-151. 2023
- Asking the right questions: a framework for developing gender-balanced political knowledge batteries. Political Research Quarterly. 76:393-406. 2023
- Hypothesis testing with error correction models. Political Science Research and Methods. 10:870-878. 2022
- Reliable Sources? Correcting Misinformation in Polarized Media Environments. American Politics Research. 50:17-29. 2022
- Social media and the changing information environment: Sentiment differences in read versus recirculated news content. Public Opinion Quarterly. 84:195-215. 2020
- Personality and Prosocial Behavior: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis. Political Science Research and Methods. 7:125-142. 2019
- Measuring Morality in Political Attitude Expression. Journal of Politics. 80:1028-1033. 2018
- The general error correction model in practice. Research and Politics. 4. 2017
- Why People "Don't Trust the Evidence": Motivated Reasoning and Scientific Beliefs. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 658:121-133. 2015
book chapters
- Change My View: Do Moral Appeals Facilitate Compromise?. In: Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt¿Beck. 169-196. 2023
- Political Information Flows and Consistent Voting: Personal Conversations, Mass Media, Party Campaigns and the Quality of Voting Decisions at the 2009 German Federal Election. In: Voters on the Move or on the Run? Information-processing and Vote Choice in a Complex World. Oxford University Press (Ed.). 193-216. 2014
- Helfen politische Gespräche, "korrekt" zu wählen? Eine Analyse zur Bundestagswahl 2009. In: Zivile Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie. Aktuelle Ergebnisse der empirischen Politikforschung. SPRINGER. 117-138. 2013