sample of publications
- Indigenous Peoples" Rights at the United Nations Human Rights Council: Colliding (Mis)Understandings?. Journal of Human Rights Practice. 16:512-532. 2024
- The hype of Rights of Nature: Critical considerations. Revista de Estudios Politicos. 2024-April-June. 2024
- Indigenous legal expertise, sacred rivers, and hydropower development projects in Third Pole country Nepal. Jindal Global Law Review. 14. 2023
- The right to be, to feel and to exist: Indigenous lawyers and strategic litigation over Indigenous territories in Guatemala. International Journal of Human Rights. 2023
- Editorial Special Section: 'Transitional Justice and Nature: a curious silence». International Journal of Transitional Justice. 17:1-14. 2023
- Can Rights of Nature Save Us from the Anthropocene Catastrophe? Some Critical Reflections from the Field. Asian Journal of Law and Society. 9:187-206. 2022
- Hacia la descolonización del régimen extractivo: patrones y límites de la judicialización en conflictos mineros = Towards the decolonization of the extractive regime: Patterns and limits of judicialization in mining conflicts. Iconos. 97-116. 2022
- Indigenous water ontologies, hydro-development and the human/more-than-human right to water: A call for critical engagement with plurilegal water realities. Water. 13:1660. 2021
- Justicia transicional, el diálogo y la reflexividad crítica: tejiendo pensamientos. Eunomia. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad. 416-423. 2020
- Review of The Challenge of Legal Pluralism. Local dispute settlement and the Indian-state relationship in Ecuador, by Marc Simon Thomas. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 2017
- La brecha entre el compromiso y el cumplimiento con los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. Reflexiones sobre los avances y retrocesos en materia de justicia indígena en Ecuador. Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal. 9:63-93. 2016
- La transformación de la matriz energética de Guatemala vs. los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas mayas. Iberoamericana. 15:178-182. 2015
- La relevancia local de procesos de justicia transicional. Voces de sobrevivientes indígenas sobre justicia y reconciliación en Guatemala posconflicto = The local relevance of transitional justice processes. Indigenous survivors' voices on justice and reconciliation from post-conflict Guatemala = A relevância local de processos de justiça transicional. Vozes de sobreviventes indígenas sobre justiça e reconciliação em Guatemala pós-conflito. Antipoda. 85-112. 2013
- Dealing with the legacy of gross human rights violations in Guatemala: Grasping the mismatch between macro level policies and micro level processes. International Journal of Human Rights. 15:1160-1181. 2011
- The internal logic of the cosmos as 'justice' and 'reconciliation': Micro-level perceptions in post-conflict guatemala. CRITIQUE OF ANTHROPOLOGY. 30:287-312. 2010
- Transitional justice and cultural contexts: Learning from the universality debate. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights. 28:199-224. 2010
- Life Is Priceless: Mayan Q"eqchi" Voices on the Guatemalan National Reparations Program. International Journal of Transitional Justice. 4:4-25. 2010
book chapters
- The walls spoke when no one else would: Autoethnographic notes on sexual-power gatekeeping within avant-garde academia. In: Sexual Misconduct in Academia Informing an Ethics of Care in the University. Routledge. 2023
- La acción jurídica indígena en Guatemala, voces de resistencia y conexión de mundos ante las Cortes. In: Aguas turbias: Extractivismo (neo)liberal, acción jurídica indígena y la transformación del Estado en Guatemala. 89-128. 2022
- Legislating coordination and cooperation mechanisms between indigenous and ordinary jurisdictions. In: Critical Indigenous Rights Studies. Routledge. 2018
- Nimla Rahilal. Pueblos indígenas y justicia transicional: reflexiones antropológicas . BILBAO: UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO. 2019
conference contributions