sample of publications
- Miedzy kryzysem i transformacja: Polskie organizacje imigranckie w Hiszpanii [Between Crisis and Transformation: Polish Immigrant Organizations in Spain]. Studia Migracyjne ¿ Przegl¿d Polonijny. 134:137-160. 2022
- Same Same but Different? Gender Politics and (Trans-) National Value Contestation in Europe on Twitter. Politics and Governance. 10:146-160. 2022
- Of losers and laggards: The interplay of material conditions and individual perceptions in the shaping of EU discontent. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. 14:395-415. 2021
- The rise of (faulty) euroscepticism? The impact ofa decade of crises in Spain. South European Society and Politics. 1-28. 2020
book chapters
- Contestation of EU enlargement and European neighbourhood policy : actors, arenas and arguments. In: Who wants a united Europe? : interests, identities and the prospects for future European Union enlargement. DJOFPublishing. 79-104. 2019
- Liminal Europeanness: whiteness, east-west mobilities, and European citizenship. In: Borderlands in European Gender Studies: Beyond the East-West Frontier. Routledge. 1-20. 2019
conference contributions
working papers