sample of publications
- From invisibility to the public sphere: The hybrid Media strategy of a new party (Podemos, Spain, 2014-2015). International Journal of Communication. 15:4908-4933. 2021
- Stolen innocence? Observance of the EU Directive on presumption of innocence by Spanish crime reporting. Communication and Society. 34:15-30. 2021
- Refugees Welcome? Online Hate Speech and Sentiments in Twitter in Spain during the Reception of the Boat Aquarius. Sustainability. 13:1-16. 2021
- Fuga de talento en la investigación española sobre Comunicación: percepción de los investigadores españoles en el extranjero = The brain drain in Spanish Communication research: the perspective of Spanish academics abroad. Profesional de la Informacion. 29:1-13. 2020
- Anatomía del bulo electoral: la desinformación política durante la campaña del 28-A en España. Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals. 123-145. 2020
- Reflexive technopopulism: Podemos and the search for a new left-wing hegemony. European Political Science. 18. 2019
- Diplomacia de movilización. Referenda de Cataluña y Escocia en la diplomacia en red = Mobilising diplomacy. The Catalan and Scottish referendums in network diplomacy. Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social. 961-975. 2016
- Franco Sells Spain to America: Hollywood, Tourism and Public Relations as Postwar Spanish Soft Power [Book review]. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HISTORY. 51:919-921. 2016
- Prospective journalism redux: The new life of political magazines in the digital age. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 12:357-375. 2016
- Requiem for a master: A homage to professor Kevin G. Barnhurst. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 12:147-149. 2016
- Political Journalism in Comparative Perspective, by Erik Albæk, Arjen Van Dalen, Nael Jebril, and Claes H. de Vreese [Book review]. Perspectives on Politics. 13:218-220. 2015
book chapters
- Climate Change Begins at Home: City Diplomacy in the Age of the Anthropocene. In: Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Uncertainty. PALGRAVE. 57-81. 2020
- Seizing the populist rhetorical toolkit: a comparative analysis of Trump and Clinton's discourse on Twiter during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign. In: President Donald Trump and his political discourse: Ramifications of Rhetoric via Twitter. Routledge. 13-32. 2018
- Framing of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in the Spanish Press. In: The Migrant Crisis: European Perspectives and National Discourses. LIT VERLAG. 267-282. 2017
- Representations of the European Project. In: Political Advertising in the 2014 European Parliament Elections. PALGRAVE. 39-56. 2017
- Cubrir Europa: las claves para informar sobre un sistema político multi-nivel, desde Bruselas a las regiones. In: Estudios de periodismo político y económico. FRAGUA LIBROS, S.L.. 345-365. 2016
- Secrecy. In: The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. WILEY. 1457-1463. 2015
- Young and outraged? Online political engagement among college students in Spain. In: Jugend und Politik : Generationendialog oder Gesellschaftskonflikt?. Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels. 92-105. 2015
- The EU as an alien ruler: Explaining euroscepticism through Schmittian lenses. In: United by or Against Euroscepticism? An Assessment of Public Attitudes towards Europe in the Context of the Crisis. CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. 66-87. 2015
conference contributions
- Hate speech in Spain against Aquarius refugees 2018 in Twitter. 906-910. 2019
- Framing of the Syrian refugee crisis in the Spanish press. 421-421. 2018
- Experiencias científicas de los investigadores españoles sobre Comunicación en el extranjero 2016
- A voice for the indignados: Podemos and the siege of the mainstream political class in Spain 2015
- Prospective journalism redux: The new life of political magazines in the digital age 2015
- Two brands of cosmopolitan journalism: The Atlantic and the Economist 2015
working papers