sample of publications
- Software Vulnerability Detection under Poisoning Attacks using CNN-based Image Processing. International Journal of Information Security. 2024
- Characterizing poisoning attacks on generalistic multi-modal AI models. Information Fusion. 1-15. 2024
- Use of transfer learning for affordable in-context fake review generation. IEEE Transactions on Big Data. 1. 2024
- KeyEncoder: A secure and usable EEG-based cryptographic key generation mechanism. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. 173. 2023
- On the feasibility of predicting volumes of fake news- the Spanish case. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 1-11. 2023
- Cybersecurity in the digital world. Future Generation Computer Systems. 144. 2023
- A technical characterization of APTs by leveraging public resources. International Journal of Information Security. 1-18. 2023
- Malicious uses of blockchains by malware: from the analysis to Smart-Zephyrus. International Journal of Information Security. 22:1445-1480. 2023
- Identifying key relationships between nation-state cyberattacks and geopolitical and economic factors: A model. Security and Communication Networks (discontinued). 2022:1-11. 2022
- Revisión sistemática de la jurisprudencia española sobre ciberseguridad y privacidad (1995-2020). Anexo con Tabla de sentencias. Revista de privacidad y derecho digital. 6. 2021
- Achieving cybersecurity in blockchain-based systems: a survey. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 124:91-118. 2021
- Revisión sistemática de la jurisprudencia española sobre ciberseguridad y privacidad (1995-2020). Revista de privacidad y derecho digital. VI:144-190. 2021
- Zephyrus: An information hiding mechanism leveraging Ethereum data fields. IEEE Access. 9:118553-118570. 2021
- SmartCAMPP - Smartphone-based Continuous Authentication leveraging Motion sensors with Privacy Preservation. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. 147:189-196. 2021
- Privacy-Preserving Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication and User Profiling: A Review. SENSORS. 21:1-23. 2020
- Impact of injection attacks on sensor-based continuous authentication for smartphones. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 163:150-161. 2020
- Leveraging user-related Internet of Things for continuous authentication: a survey. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. 52. 2019
- Editorial: Security and Privacy in Internet of Things. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS. 24:878-880. 2019
- Design recommendations for online cybersecurity courses. COMPUTERS & SECURITY. 80:238-256. 2019
- ANDRODET: An adaptive Android obfuscation detector. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 90:240-261. 2019
- Attribute-Based Credentials for Privacy-Aware Smart Health Services in IoT- Based Smart Cities. COMPUTER. 51:44-53. 2018
- Real-time electrocardiogram streams for continuous authentication. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING. 68:784-794. 2018
- Secure and Usable User-in-a-Context Continuous Authentication in Smartphones Leveraging Non-Assisted Sensors. SENSORS. 18. 2018
- Effect of attacker characterization in ECG-based continuous authentication mechanisms for Internet of Things. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 81:67-77. 2018
- Encryption by Heart (EbH)-Using ECG for time-invariant symmetric key generation. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 77:136-148. 2017
- Assessment of attribute-based credentials for privacy-preserving road traffic services in smart cities. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 21:869-891. 2017
- PRACIS: Privacy-preserving and aggregatable cybersecurity information sharing. COMPUTERS & SECURITY. 69:127-141. 2017
- Privacy Models in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey. Journal of Sensors. 2016
- PAgIoT - Privacy-preserving Aggregation protocol for Internet of Things. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 71:59-71. 2016
- Implementing a privacy-enhanced attribute-based credential system for online social networks with co-ownership management. IET Information Security. 10:60-68. 2016
- An efficient confidentiality-preserving Proof of Ownership for deduplication. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 50:49-59. 2015
- Privacy - aware average speed monitoring system for vehicular ad-hoc networks. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 9:293-305. 2015
- CooPeD: Co-owned Personal Data management. COMPUTERS & SECURITY. 47:41-65. 2014
- Extended U plus F Social Network Protocol: Interoperability, reusability, data protection and indirect relationships in Web Based Social Networks. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 94:50-71. 2014
- Extended U+F social network protocol: interoperability, reusability, data protection and indirect relationships in web based social networks. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 94:50-71. 2014
- SoNeUCON(ABC), an expressive usage control model for Web-Based Social Networks. COMPUTERS & SECURITY. 43:159-187. 2014
- Security Models in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: A Survey. IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW. 31:47-64. 2014
- Applying information hiding in VANETs to covertly report misbehaving vehicles. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 10. 2014
- WEVAN ─ A mechanism for evidence creation and verification in VANETs. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE. 59:985-995. 2013
book chapters
- Dynamic Risk Assessment in IT Environments: A Decision Guide. In: Handbook of Research on Information and Cyber Security in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. IGI GLOBAL. 234-263. 2018
- Secure elliptic curves in cryptography. In: Computer and network security essentials. SPRINGER. 283-298. 2017
- An Architecture for Trusted PaaS Cloud Computing for Personal Data. In: Trusted Cloud Computing. SPRINGER. 239-258. 2014
- User-Managed Access Control in Web Based Social Networks. In: Security and Privacy Preserving in Social Networks. SPRINGER. 97-137. 2013
conference contributions
- Continuous Authentication Leveraging Matrix Profile 2024
- Characterizing the MasterPrint threat on Android devices with capacitive sensors 2023
- Eye-based keystroke prediction for natural texts - a feasibility analysis. 375-382. 2022
- A primer on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) leveraging existing tools 2020
- SmartLED: Smartphone-based covert channels leveraging the notification LED. 1748-1755. 2020
- A Framework for Acquiring and Analyzing Traces from Cryptographic Devices. 283-300. 2017
- Ase-PoW: a Proof of Ownership mechanism for cloud deduplication in hierarchical environments. 412-428. 2017
- SoNeUCON_{ABC}Pro: an access control model for social networks with translucent user provenance. 234-252. 2017
- Shall We Collaborate?: A Model to Analyse the Benefits of Information Sharing. 15-24. 2016
- Access control for the Cloud based on multi-device authentication. 856-863. 2015
- MONOCLE - Extensible open-source forensic tool applied to cloud storage cases 2015
- SoNeUCON_ADM: the administrative model for SoNeUCON_ABC. 209-214. 2014
- El proyecto E-SAVE: Asegurando las comunicaciones vehiculares para la mejora de la seguridad vial. 99-105. 2013
- Seguridad en Redes Sociales: problemas, tendencias y retos futuros 2013
- Control de acceso en redes sociales web 2012
- Diseño de un protocolo para el envío de notificaciones de tráficoal vehículo a través de tecnologías ITS 2012
- U+F Social Network Protocol: Achieving Interoperability and Reusability between Web based Social Networks. 1387-1392. 2012