sample of publications
- A lattice model with a progressive damage applied to fracture problems of wood. WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 58. 2024
- Effect of Printing Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of Low-Force Stereolithography-Manufactured Durable Resin. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 14. 2024
- Beam formulation and FE framework for architected structures under finite deformations. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS. 96:1-11. 2022
- Homogenization of magnetoelastic heterogeneous solid bodies based on micropolar magnetoelasticity. CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS. 34:1641-1668. 2022
- Natural frequencies of vibration in cracked Timoshenko beams within an elastic medium. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS. 118:103257-103267. 2022
- Mixed mode crack propagation in polymers using a discrete lattice method. Polymers. 13:1290. 2021
- Numerical analysis of the dynamic frequency responses of damaged micro-lattice core sandwich plates. JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN. 55. 2020
- On the double transition in the failure mode of Polycarbonate. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 140:1-19. 2020
- On the characterization and modelling of high-performance para-aramid fabrics. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 212:326-337. 2019
- Experimental analysis for stabbing resistance of different aramid composite architectures. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 208:525-534. 2019
- Analysis of impact energy absorption by lightweight aramid structures. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 203:917-926. 2018
- On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 187:10-17. 2018
- Torsion of cracked nanorods using a nonlocal elasticity model. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 47:1-12. 2014
- On the use of variable-separation method for the analysis of vibration problems with time-dependent boundary conditions. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 226:2912-2924. 2012
book chapters
- Mixed Mode Crack Propagation in Polymers Using a Discrete Lattice Method. In: Prime Archives in Polymer Technology. VIDE LEAF. 1-19. 2021
- Ballistic Behavior of Fiber Composites. In: Hybrid Fiber Composites: Materials, Manufacturing, Process Engineering. WILEY-VCH VERLAG GMBH. 117-127. 2020
conference contributions
- Design and analysis of multi-stable structures. 1. 2021
- Estudio numérico del comportamiento de fractura de maderas mediante un modelo discreto bidimensional 2021
- Frecuencias naturales de vibración en vigas de Timoshenko fisuradas a flexión sobre un medio elástico. 111-116. 2021
- Analysis of specific energy absorption in multi-layered Origami plates. 1-7. 2020
- Numerical and experimental analysis of aramid composites against ballistic impact. 111-118. 2020
- From a Real Hand to a Digital Hand: A Transformation for Impact Testing Simulation 2019
- Modelización frente a impacto de tejidos de aramida de alto rendimiento. 424-429. 2019
- Multilayer Para-Aramid Fabrics Modelling Against Ballistic Impact. 147-148. 2019
- Numerical modelling of dynamic compression tests on multi-layer Origami plates 2019
- Análisis numérico de la respuesta de un casco para la desactivación de artefactos explosivos frente a impacto. 586-591. 2018
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos de tejidos de alto rendimiento. 1020-1028. 2018
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos en la respuesta frente a impacto de tejidos de alto rendimiento. 1020-1028. 2018
- Experimental and Numerical Study of inter-yarn friction coefficient behavior on the ballistic impact response of High-Performance Fabrics 2018
- Modelización numérica de casco EOD ante impacto de fragmento. 185-185. 2018
- Numerical Modelling of Multilayer Woven Para-aramid Fabrics 2018
- Numerical analysis of a new combat helmet design against ballistic impact 2018
- Análisis experimental de la transición en el modo de fallo en probetas de Policarbonato en ensayos dinámicos de flexión en tres puntos. 511-518. 2017
- Análisis numérico de la transición en el modo de fallo en probetas de Policarbonato en ensayos de fractura dinámica. 393-400. 2017
- On the transition in the brittle-ductile fracture mode in polymeric materials 2017
- Computational modeling of bulk modulus in carbon nanostructures using a finite element approach 2016
- Determinación numérica del módulo de compresibilidad en nanoestructuras de carbono mediante el BBM. 375-380. 2016
- Finite element modeling of UHMWPE personal protections considering strain-rate dependence. 45-45. 2016
- Numerical analysis of the brittle-ductile transition in the failure-mode in polymeric materials. 310-315. 2014
- Análisis numérico de la transición frágil-dúctil en el modo de fallo en materiales poliméricos. 113-118. 2013
- Torsion on cracked nanobeams using a nonlocal elasticity model 2013
- Bending vibrations of rotating nanocantilevers using the Eringen nonlocal elasticity theory. 369. 2012