sample of publications
- Validation of scientific topic models using graph analysis and corpus metadata. Scientometrics. 127:5441-5458. 2022
- A Bayesian inference and model selection algorithm with an optimization scheme to infer the model noise power. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 507:3351-3361. 2021
- An Interpretable Machine Learning Method for the Detection of Schizophrenia Using EEG Signals. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 15:1-11. 2021
- A likely magnetic activity cycle for the Exoplanet Host M Dwarf GJ 3512. Astronomical Journal. 160:273. 2020
- A quantitative performance study of two automatic methods for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 46:86-93. 2018
- Analysis of a nonlinear importance sampling scheme for Bayesian parameter estimation in state-space models. Signal Processing. 142:281-291. 2018
- Importance sampling with transformed weights. Electronics Letters. 53:783-784. 2017
- A robust scheme for distributed particle filtering in wireless sensors networks. Signal Processing. 131:190-201. 2017
- On the use of the channel second-order statistics in MMSE receivers for time- and frequency-selective MIMO transmission systems. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2016:1-14. 2016
- A proof of uniform convergence over time for a distributed particle filter. Signal Processing. 122:152-163. 2016
- User Activity Tracking in DS-CDMA Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 62:3188-3203. 2013
- Sparse ACEKF for phase reconstruction. Optics Express. 21:18125-18137. 2013
- A Per-Survivor Processing Receiver for MIMO Transmission Systems With One Unknown Channel Order Per Output. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 60:4415-4426. 2011
- Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Detection in Time- and Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels with Unknown Order. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 58:499-504. 2009
- Sequential Monte Carlo methods for complexity-constrained MAP equalization of dispersive MIMO channels. Signal Processing. 88:1017-1034. 2008
conference contributions
- Preguntas de autoevaluación inmediata integradas en los apuntes de la asignatura 2022
- Estudio de la modulación AM con la ayuda de una aplicación web 2021
- Double Confidential Federated Machine Learning Logistic Regression for Industrial Data Platforms. 1-8. 2020
- Automated detection of paroxysmal gamma waves in meditation EEG. 1192-1196. 2013
- Efficient Gaussian Inference Algorithms for Phase Imaging. 617-620. 2012
- Low-complexity noise-resilient recovery of phase and amplitude from defocused intensity image. 2012
- Doppler Radar and MEMS Gyro Augmented DGPS for Large Vehicle Navigation 2011