sample of publications
- Designing mobile technologies to encourage civic engagement: The role of situated motivational affordances. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 12:739-751. 2023
- Connecting citizens with urban environments through an augmented reality pervasive game. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2022:1-17. 2022
- An empirical comparison of interaction styles for map interfaces in immersive virtual environments. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79:35717-35738. 2020
- A taxonomy generation tool for semantic visual analysis of large corpus of documents. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 32919-32937. 2019
- Using a Google Glass-Based Classroom Feedback System to Improve Students to Teacher Communication. IEEE Access. 7:16837-16846. 2019
- Visually-Enabled Active Deep Learning for (Geo) Text and Image Classification: A Review. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 7. 2018
- From social networks to emergency operation centers: A semantic visualization approach. Future Generation Computer Systems. 95:829-824. 2018
- Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data. SpringerPlus. 5. 2016
- Designing Mobile Applications for Emergency Response: Citizens Acting as Human Sensors. Sensors. 16. 2016
- Multi-view visualizations for emergency communities of volunteers. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 25:981-994. 2014
- Modeling an ontology on accessible evacuation routes for emergencies. Expert Systems with Applications. 41:7124-7134. 2014
- Personalized Alert Notifications and Evacuation Routes in Indoor Environments. Sensors. 12:7804-7827. 2012
- Interaction Design Principles for Emergency Management Information Systems. International journal of information systems for crisis response and management. 3. 2011
- SEMA4A: An Ontology for Emergency Notification Systems Accessibility. Expert Systems with Applications. 37:3380-3391. 2010
- Human-Display Interaction Technology: Emerging Remote Interfaces for Pervasive Display Environments. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 9:72-76. 2010
- CAP-ONES: An Emergency Notification System for all. International Journal of Emergency Management. 6:302-316. 2009
book chapters
- A Methodology for Personalized Dialogues Between Social Robots and Users Based on Social Media. In: Degen, H., Ntoa, S. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in HCI. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(). 273-284. 2023
- Interactive Accessible Notifications for Emergency Notification Systems. In: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Applications and Services: 5th International Conference, UAHCI 2009, held as part of HCI International 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, Part III. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 388-397. 2009
conference contributions
- A Methodology for Personalized Dialogues Between Social Robots and Users Based on Social Media. 273-284. 2023
- Exploring a Multi-Device Immersive Learning Environment. 1-3. 2022
- Exploring the Affordances of Immersive Visualization Spaces: A Use Case About COVID-19. 252-263. 2022
- IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning. 2451-2460. 2022
- Integrating Gender Inclusion in Web Design Courses through Design Workshops. 1-8. 2021
- Investigating Augmented Reality Educational Games for Head-Mounted Devices. 1-6. 2021
- Do low cost virtual reality devices support learning acquisition?: A comparative study of two different VR devices. 1-8. 2019
- Designing Affordable Technologies to Integrate Citizens in Early Warning Activities. 1253-1261. 2018
- Designing a Semi-automatic Taxonomy Generation Tool. 266-271. 2018
- Quality Assessment of Social Media: Lessons Learnt from the Literature. 278-283. 2018
- The Immersive Bubble Chart: a Semantic and Virtual Reality Visualization for Big Data. 176-178. 2018
- Analyzing and Visualizing Emergency Information in a Multi Device Environment. 181-194. 2016
- Semantic Visualization of Twitter Usage in Emergency and Crisis Situations. 3-14. 2015
- WallTweet: A Knowledge Ecosystem for Supporting Situation Awareness. 12-15. 2015
- EmergenSYS: mobile technologies as support for emergency management. 37-45. 2014
- A framework to integrate large-scale participation in Disaster and Emergency Management 2013
- Supporting Citizens 2.0 in Disasters Response 2013
- Transmeta Design: Adding Transparency and Meta-communication to Web Services Design. 173-178. 2013
- I Feel Lucky: An Automated Personal Assistant for Smartphones. 328-331. 2012
- Emergency Alerts for All: An Ontology Based Approach to Improve Accessibility in Emergency Alerting Systems. 197-207. 2008