sample of publications
- Numerical study of the simultaneous multiple impact phenomenon on CFRP plates. Composite Structures. 320:1-17. 2023
- A numerical-analytical study to determine a suitable distribution of plies in sandwich structures subjected to high-velocity impact. Composite Structures. 307:1-11. 2023
- Experimental and analytical study of the behavior of in-plane preloaded CFRP plates subjected to high-velocity impact. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 2023
- Modelling of woven CFRP plates subjected to oblique high-velocity impact and membrane loads. Composite Structures. 303:1-9. 2023
- Modeling high velocity impact on thin woven composite plates: a non-dimensional theoretical approach. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 2021
- A non-dimensional theoretical approach to model high-velocity impact on thick woven plates. Steel and Composite Structures. 38:717-737. 2021
- Experimental study of the impact behavior of repaired thin laminates with double composite patch. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 27:1701-1708. 2020
- High-velocity impact behaviour of damaged sandwich plates with agglomerated cork core. Composite Structures. 248:1-7. 2020
- The high-velocity impact behaviour of kevlar composite laminates filled with cork powder. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 10:1-12. 2020
- A finite element approach to model high-velocity impact on thin woven GFRP plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 142:1-12. 2020
- Impact response of repaired sandwich structures. Polymer Composites. 41:3014-3022. 2020
- Design tool to predict the open-hole failure strength of composite laminates subjected to in-plane loads. Composite Structures. 238:1-9. 2020
- Morphological study of damage evolution in woven-laminates subjected to high-velocity impact. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 26:2023-2029. 2019
- Analysis of the impact location on damage tolerance of bonded-repaired composite laminates. Polymer Testing. 78:1-10. 2019
- Experimental study of woven-laminates structures subjected to high-velocity impact. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 26:1001-1007. 2019
- Analytical models for the perforation of thick and thin thickness woven laminates subjected to high-velocity impact. Composites Part B: Engineering. 143:292-300. 2018
- Matrix cracking evolution in open-hole laminates subjected to thermo-mechanical loads. Composite Structures. 183:510-520. 2018
- Effect of the geometry in the strength of single-lap adhesive joints of composite laminates under uniaxial tensile load. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 72:23-29. 2017
- Influence of ply cluster thickness and location on matrix cracking evolution in open-hole composite laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering. 95:40-47. 2016
- Damage evolution in open-hole laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane loads. Composite Structures. 133:1048-1057. 2015
- Experimental response of agglomerated cork under multi-impact loads. Materials Letters. 160:327-330. 2015
- The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates. Composite Structures. 133:1127-1136. 2015
- Dynamic crushing behaviour of agglomerated cork. Materials and Design. 65:743-748. 2015
- Damage in preloaded glass/vinylester composite panels subjected to high-velocity impacts. Mechanics Research Communications. 55:66-71. 2014
- Influence of shear plugging in the energy absorbed by thin carbon-fibre laminates subjected to high-velocity impacts. Composites Part B: Engineering. 49:86-92. 2013
- Influence of areal density on the energy absorbed by thin composite plates subjected to high-velocity impacts. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 47:444-452. 2012
- Nondimensional analysis of ballistic impact on thin woven laminate plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 39:8-15. 2012
- Behaviour of uniaxially preloaded aluminium plates subjected to high-velocity impact. Mechanics Research Communications. 38:404-407. 2011
- Behaviour of sandwich structures and spaced plates subjected to high-velocity impacts. Polymer Composites. 32:290-296. 2011
- Experimental Analysis of Perforation of Glass/Polyester Structures Subjected to High-Velocity Impact. Materials Letters. 64:1052-1054. 2010
- Impact Behaviour of Preloaded Glass/Polyester Woven Plates. Composites Science and Technology. 69:711-717. 2009
book chapters
- Analytical Study of the Behavior of Tubular Elements Reinforced with Natural Fibers Under Dynamic Loads. In: Emerging Research in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the CIT 2023 Volumen 1. Springer LNCS. 47-59. 2024
- Perforation of composite laminate subjected to dynamic loads. In: Dynamic failure of composite and sandwich structures. SPRINGER CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER GMBH. 291-337. 2013
conference contributions
- Aplicación del aprendizaje basado en proyectos aplicados a cálculo de estructuras destinadas al sector industrial 2022
- Evaluación de la extensión del daño en laminados de fibra de vidrio. 1-5. 2021
- Estudio de la influencia del núcleo en comportamiento frente a impacto de alta velocidad de estructuras sándwich. 146. 2019
- Tolerancia al daño de placas de laminados reparadas = Damage tolerance in repaired composite laminates. 83-87. 2019
- Mechanical behaviour of bonded repaired composite plates. 1073-1078. 2018
- Revisión de la modelización analítica de blindajes sometidos a impactos de alta velocidad. 911-919. 2018
- Evaluación de la absorción de energía y el daño en laminados de tejido sometidos a impactos de alta velocidad. 4-9. 2017
- Evaluation of the geometry of single-lap adhesive joints in composite laminates 2016
- Thermal Induced Damage in Laminated Composite Materials using a Discrete Damage Model 2016
- Thermo-mechanically induced damage in open-hole laminates 2016
- Análisis de la evolución del daño en placas de tipo laminado con un agujero. 947-952. 2015
- Influence of ply thickness on the damage evolution in open-hole laminate plates 2015
- Influencia de la geometría de adherentes y adhesivo en el comportamiento de uniones adhesivas a solape simple en laminados. 1269-1274. 2015
- The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates 2015
- Size effect on damage evolution in open-hole composite laminates 2014
- High velocity impact analysis of aluminium plates subjected to membrane load 2013
- Estudio de la absorción de energía en elementos tubulares sometidos a impacto de baja energía = Study of Eergy Absorption in Tubular Elements Subjected to Low Energy Impacts 2011
- Impact on Tubuluar Composite Structures 2011
- Perforation Modelling of Thin Laminated Plates 2011