sample of publications
- New processing routes for Zr-based ODS ferritic steels. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 40. 2024
- Secondary phases characterization by SANS and XAS of an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging at 873¿K. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 39. 2024
- Corrigendum to 'Microstructural stability of secondary phases in an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging at 873 K' [Materials Characterization 207 (2024) 113517] (Materials Characterization (2024) 207, (S1044580323008768), (10.1016/j.matchar.2023.113517)). MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. 207. 2024
- Microstructural stability of secondary phases in an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging at 873 K. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. 207:113517-1-113517-10. 2024
- Plasma nitriding of an air-hardening medium manganese forging steel. HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials. 77:298-315. 2022
- Powder particle size effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of mechanically alloyed ODS ferritic steels. Metals. 12:69-1-69-16. 2022
- Nanocluster evolution and mechanical properties of ion irradiated T91 ferritic-martensitic steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 548:1-10. 2021
- Characterisation of nano-scale precipitates in BOR60 irradiated T91 steel using atom probe tomography. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 543:1-9. 2021
- Atom probe characterisation of segregation driven Cu and Mn-Ni-Si co-precipitation in neutron irradiated T91 tempered-martensitic steel. Materialia. 14:1-11. 2020
- Sequential ion irradiations on Fe-Cr and ODS Fe-Cr alloys. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 25:1-11. 2020
- Electron microscopy and atom probe tomography of nanoindentation deformation in oxide dispersion strengthened steels. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. 2020
- Mechanical properties and stability of precipitates of an ODS steel after thermal cycling and aging. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 24:1-8. 2020
- Nanoscale analysis of ion irradiated ODS 14YWT ferritic alloy. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 528:1-8. 2020
- A nanoscale investigation of Carlin-type gold deposits: An atom-scale elemental and isotopic perspective. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. 114:1123-1133. 2019
- Atom Probe Tomography of Carbides in Fe-Cr-(W)-C Steels. STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 90:1-6. 2019
- Post-irradiation analysis at the nanoscale of 14YWT after neutron irradiation (16.6 dpa) at 386°C and 412°C. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 120:356-358. 2019
- Microstructural and mechanical characterisation of Fe-14Cr-0.22Hf alloy fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 762:678-687. 2018
- Characterisation of ODS Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti before and after high temperature triple and low temperature single ion irradiations. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. 136:318-330. 2018
- Positron annihilation study of the vacancy clusters in ODS Fe-14Cr alloys. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE. 97:833-850. 2017
- Flipping the classroom to improve learning with MOOCs technology. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 25:15-25. 2017
- Microstructural stability of ODS Fe-14Cr (-2W-0.3Ti) steels after simultaneous triple irradiation. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 9:490-495. 2016
- Microstructure and tensile properties of ODS ferritic steels mechanically alloyed with Fe2Y. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 9:372-377. 2016
- Effect of the milling atmosphere on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a ODS Fe-14Cr model alloy. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. 671:264-274. 2016
- Effect of yttrium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS RAF steels. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 455:600-604. 2014
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS Fe14Cr model alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 30:1704-1708. 2014
- Microstructure and mechanical behavior of ODS and non-ODS Fe-14Cr model alloys produced by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 436:68-75. 2013
- Microstructure and tensile properties of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-14Cr-0.3Y2O3 and Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti-0.3Y 2O3. 4th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology. 442:S142-S147. 2013
- Analytical characterisation of oxide dispersion strengthened steels for fusion reactors. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 27:719-723. 2011
- Analytical characterization of secondary phases and void distributions in an ultrafine-grained ODS Fe-14Cr model alloy. 4th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology. 417:217-220. 2011
- Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of EUROFER'97 processed by equal channel angular pressing. 4th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology. 417:20-24. 2011
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained Fe-14Cr and ODS Fe-14Cr model alloys. 4th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology. 417:213-216. 2011
- Mechanical Characteristics of Porous Hydroxyapatite/Oxide Composites Produced by Post-Sintering Hot Isostatic Pressing. Ceramics International. 35:2373-2380. 2009
- Characterization of Novel W Alloys Produced by HIP. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 386-388:613-617. 2009
conference contributions
- Effects of thermal aging at 873 K on the impact properties of an ODS ferritic steel. 1-10. 2023
- Secondary phase formation in an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging. 206-212. 2023
- Compatibility between different reduced activation ODS-EUROFER steels and PbLi for de WCLL concept. 113. 2022
- Crystallographic evolution of an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging. 772. 2022
- Advanced Multi Technique Characterization of ODS Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti Steels Under Simultaneous Ion Irradiation 2021
- Insights from atom probe tomography into Carlin type gold mineralization 2020
- Nanocluster evolution and mechanical properties of ion irradiated T91 ferritic-martensitic steel 2020
- Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Microstructure of the ODS 14YWT Ferritic Alloy. 25. 2019
- Microstructural and mechanical characterization of an ods ferritic steel with optimised oxygen content 2016
- Effects of ion irradiation on oxide dispersion strengthened steels for fusion 2015
- Influence of the addition of Fe2Y on the microstructure and tensile properties of ODS ferritic steels 2015
- Influence of the addition of Fe2Y on the microstructure and tensile properties of ODS ferritic steels 2015
- A Successful Learning Experience using SPOCs 2014
- Atom Probe Tomography of ODS Fe-14Cr model alloys 2014
- Effect of yttrium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS RAF steels. 600-604. 2014
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of reduced activation ODS ferritic steels processed by HIP and SPS 2013
- Microstructure and tensile properties of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe&-14Cr&-0.3Y2O3 and Fe&-14Cr&-2W&-0.3Ti&-0.3Y2O3. 142-147. 2013
- Analytical TEM Characterization of ODS Steels and Stability under Irradiation 2012
- Caracterización de materiales a escala nanométrica mediante Atom Probe Tomography 2012
- Development of ODS Fe-Cr Alloys for Fusion Applications (WP10-MAT-ODSFS) 2012
- Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Fe-(12-14) Cr Alloys 2012
- New Insights of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels for Fusion Energy 2012
- Analytical Characterization of Secondary Phases and Void Distributions in an Ultrafine-grained ODS Fe-14Cr Model Alloy. 217-220. 2011
- Analytical characterization of secondary phases and void distributions in an ultrafine-grained ODS Fe&-14Cr model alloy. 217-220. 2011
- Developing Radiation Resistant ODS Ferritic Steels with Improved Plasticity (WP10-MAT-ODSFS-03) 2011
- Mechanical Properties of Ultra-Fine Grained ODS Fe-Cr Based Alloys 2011
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained ODS and non-ODS Fe-14Cr Model Alloys. 213-216. 2011
- Production and Characterization of Nano-Grain Sized Model ODS Ferritic Steels (WP10-MAT-ODSFS) 2011
- Spark Plasma Sintering of Model ODS Ferritic Steels 2011
- High Resolution Analytical Characterization of Nanodispersoids in Ultrafine-grained ODS Fe-14Cr Model Alloys 2009
- Propiedades mecánicas de composites porosos de Hidroxiapatita preparados mediante compactación isostática a altas temperaturas 2009
working papers