sample of publications
- Evaluation of 5G and Fixed-Satellite Service Earth Station (FSS-ES) Downlink Interference Based on Artificial Neural Network Learning Models (ANN-LMS). Sensors. 23. 2023
- Point cloud voxel classification of aerial urban LiDAR using voxel attributes and random forest approach. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 118. 2023
- Backcrossing with Marker Assistance to Introduce Broad-Spectrum Bacterial Leaf Blight Resistance in the Malaysian Elite Variety MR297. Agriculture (Switzerland). 13. 2023
- Voxel Change: Big Data-Based Change Detection for Aerial Urban LiDAR of Unequal Densities. Journal of Surveying Engineering, - ASCE. 147. 2021
- An empirical study to evaluate students' conceptual modeling skills using UML. Computer Science Education. 29:407-427. 2019
- Integration of Lidar Data and GIS Data for Point Cloud Semantic Enrichment at the Point Level. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 85:29-42. 2019
- Urban Point Cloud Mining Based on Density Clustering and MapReduce. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 31. 2017
- Big-Data Approach for Three-Dimensional Building Extraction from Aerial Laser Scanning. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 30. 2016
- Applying black-box testing to UML/OCL database models. Software Quality Journal. 22:153-184. 2014
- Guidelines for representing complex cardinality constraints in binary and ternary relationships. Software and Systems Modeling. 12:871-889. 2013
- A real time Named Entity Recognition system for Arabic text mining. Language Resources and Evaluation. 46:543-563. 2012
- An OCL-Based approach to derive constraint test cases for database applications. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 21:621-645. 2011
- OCL2Trigger: Deriving Active Mechanisms for Relational Databases Using Model-Driven Architecture. Journal of Systems and Software. 81:2299-2314. 2008
book chapters
- MDD Approach for Maintaining Integrity Constraints in Databases. In: Handbook of Research on Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends. Information Science Reference. 143-153. 2009
- Desarrollo de Bases de Datos: Casos Prácticos Desde el Análisis a la Implementación. MADRID: RA-MA, S.A. EDITORIAL Y PUBLICACIONES. 2013
- A friendly notebook on Data Structures and Algorithms. COPY RED, S.A.. 2011
- Manual de ejercicios. Estructura de datos y algoritmos. COPY RED, S.A.. 2011
conference contributions