sample of publications
- The maximin support method: an extension of the D'Hondt method to approval-based multiwinner elections. Mathematical Programming. 203:107-134. 2024
- Topic Extraction and Interactive Knowledge Graphs for Learning Resources. Sustainability. 14:1-21. 2022
- Accessible routes integrating data from multiple sources. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 10:1-24. 2021
- Detection of barriers to mobility in the smart city using Twitter. IEEE Access. 8:168429-168438. 2020
- Uncovering flipped-classroom problems at an engineering course on systems architecture through data-driven learning design. International Journal of Engineering Education. 34:865-878. 2018
- Lostrego: a distributed stream-based infrastructure for the real-time gathering and analysis of heterogeneous educational data. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 100:56-68. 2017
- Benchmarking real-time vehicle data streaming models for a smart city. Information Systems. 72:62-76. 2017
- Patterns for distributed real-time stream processing. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 28:3243-3257. 2017
- Social noise: generating random numbers from Twitter streams. Fluctuation and Noise Letters. 14:1550012-1-1550012-11. 2015
- Scalable data replication in content-centric networking based on alias names. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 47:85-98. 2015
- Comparative evaluation of link-based approaches for candidate ranking in link-to-Wikipedia systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 49:733-773. 2014
- Ztreamy: a middleware for publishing semantic streams on the web. Web Semantics. 25:16-23. 2014
- An Algorithm for Peer Review Matching in Massive Courses for Minimising Students' Frustration. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 19:2173-2197. 2013
- Grading Multiple Choice Exams with Low-Cost and Portable Computer-Vision Techniques. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 22:560-571. 2013
- WikiIdRank++: extensions and improvements of the WikiIdRank system for entity linking. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 22. 2013
- Improving large-scale search engines with semantic annotations. Expert Systems with Applications. 40:2287-2296. 2013
- WikiIdRank: an unsupervised approach for entity linking based on instance co-occurrence. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 8:7519-7541. 2012
- IdentityRank: Named entity disambiguation in the news domain. Expert Systems with Applications. 39:9207-9221. 2012
- A Distributed Collaborative System for Flexible Learning Content Production and Management. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 44:203-221. 2012
- A wikipedia-based framework for collaborative semantic annotation. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 20:847-886. 2011
- The NEWS Ontology: Design and Applications. Expert Systems with Applications. 37:8694-8704. 2010
- Hashing and Canonicalizing Notation 3 Graphs. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 76:663-685. 2010
- QoS-Aware Real-Time Composition Algorithms for Service-Based Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 5:278-288. 2009
- A Semantic Similarity Measure in the Context of Semantic Queries. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 33:285-291. 2008
conference contributions
- The Maximin Support Method: An Extension of the D"Hondt Method to Approval-Based Multiwinner Elections. 5690-5697. 2021
- Application of learning analytics to study the accuracy of self-reported working patterns in self-regulated learning questionnaires. 1201-1205. 2020
- Proportional justified representation. 670-676. 2017
- A scalable data streaming infrastructure for smart cities. 1-4. 2016
- Estimating the stress for drivers and passengers using deep learning. 1-6. 2016
- Some notes on justified representation 2016
- Infraestructuras para gestión de información. 60-61. 2015
- On the road to the evaluation of RDF stream compression techniques 2015
- Plataforma para gestión de información de ciudadanos de una SmartCity. 50-53. 2015
- Primeros experimentos para evaluar la calidad de fuentes de información en Twitter. 331-338. 2015
- Primeros resultados hacia la detección automática de bots en Twitter. 191-196. 2015
- Publication of RDF Streams with Ztreamy. 286-291. 2014
- RDSZ: an approach for lossless RDF stream compression. 52-67. 2014
- Repaso activo mediante el uso de mapas conceptuales: una experiencia de innovación docente. 495-501. 2013