sample of publications
- Numerical analysis of the impact behaviour of a composite eco-structure. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 324. 2023
- Numerical analysis of the impact behaviour of a composite eco-structure. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 324. 2023
- Experimental analysis of the impact behaviour of sandwich panels with sustainable cores. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING. 166:1-13. 2023
- Effect of temperature on the low-velocity impact response of environmentally friendly cork sandwich structures. JOURNAL OF SANDWICH STRUCTURES & MATERIALS. 24:1099-1121. 2022
- The effects of water absorption and salt fog exposure on agglomerated cork compressive response. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 80:101-114. 2022
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the ballistic response of agglomerated cork and its bio-based sandwich structures. Engineering Failure Analysis. 131:1-13. 2022
- Modelling of carbon/epoxy sandwich panels with agglomerated cork core subjected to impact loads. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 159:1-15. 2022
- Experimental and finite element analysis of the impact response of agglomerated cork and its intraply hybrid flax/basalt sandwich structures. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 272:1-15. 2021
- Analysis of the influence of ply-orientation in delamination progression in composites laminates using the Serial/Parallel Mixing Theory. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 211:1-10. 2021
- Assessment of agglomerated corks and PVC foams cores crashworthiness under multiple-impact events in different loading conditions. POLYMER TESTING. 96:1-12. 2021
- Temperature, strain rate and anisotropy effects on compressive response of natural and syntheti cellular core materials. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 260:1-18. 2021
- Compression impact behaviour of agglomerated cork at intermediate strain rates. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 79:381-396. 2021
- Effect of adhesive thickness and overlap on the behaviour of composite single-lap joints. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 28:1111-1120. 2021
- Experimental study of the impact behavior of repaired thin laminates with double composite patch. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 27:1701-1708. 2020
- High-velocity impact behaviour of damaged sandwich plates with agglomerated cork core. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 248:1-7. 2020
- The high-velocity impact behaviour of kevlar composite laminates filled with cork powder. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10:1-12. 2020
- Impact response of repaired sandwich structures. POLYMER COMPOSITES. 41:3014-3022. 2020
- Impact behavior of sandwich structures made of flax/epoxy face sheets and agglomerated cork. Journal of Natural Fibers. 17:168-188. 2020
- Analysis of damage and interlaminar stresses in laminate plates with interacting holes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 165:1-12. 2020
- The Potential of Agglomerated Cork for Sandwich Structures: A Systematic Investigation of Physical, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties. Polymers. 11:2118. 2019
- Analysis of the impact location on damage tolerance of bonded-repaired composite laminates. POLYMER TESTING. 78:1-10. 2019
- Numerical analysis of interlaminar stresses in open-hole laminates under compressionNumerical analysis of interlaminar stresses in open-hole laminates under compression. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 217:89-99. 2019
- Influence of ply orientation on free-edge effects in laminates subjected to in-plane loads. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING. 153:149-158. 2018
- Matrix cracking evolution in open-hole laminates subjected to thermo-mechanical loads. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 183:510-520. 2018
- Compressive deformation and energy-absorption capability of aluminium honeycomb core. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 174:123-133. 2017
- High velocity impact behaviour of hybrid basalt-carbon/epoxy composites. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 168:305-312. 2017
- Influence of ply cluster thickness and location on matrix cracking evolution in open-hole composite laminates. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING. 95:40-47. 2016
- Influence of the cohesive law shape on the composite adhesively-bonded patch repair behaviour. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING. 91:414-421. 2016
- Damage evolution in open-hole laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane loads. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 133:1048-1057. 2015
- Experimental response of agglomerated cork under multi-impact loads. MATERIALS LETTERS. 160:327-330. 2015
- The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 133:1127-1136. 2015
- A new device for determining the compression after impact strength in thin laminates. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 127:99-107. 2015
- Dynamic crushing behaviour of agglomerated cork. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 65:743-748. 2015
- Analysis of damage localization in composite laminates using a discrete damage model. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING. 66:224-232. 2014
- Analytical study of the low-velocity impact response of composite sandwich beams. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 111:459-467. 2014
- Numerical modelling of the low-velocity impact response of composite sandwich beams with honeycomb core. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 106:716-723. 2013
- Influence of areal density on the energy absorbed by thin composite plates subjected to high-velocity impacts. JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN. 47:444-452. 2012
- Polypropylene/Hemp Fabric Reinforced Composites: Manufacturing and Mechanical Behaviour. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. 6 nº 4:361-369. 2012
- Nondimensional analysis of ballistic impact on thin woven laminate plates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 39:8-15. 2012
- Numerical modelling of foam-cored sandwich plates under high-velocity impact. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 93:2392-2399. 2011
- Experimental study of agglomerated-cork-cored structures subjected to ballistic impacts. MATERIALS LETTERS. 65:2152-2154. 2011
- Behaviour of uniaxially preloaded aluminium plates subjected to high-velocity impact. MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 38:404-407. 2011
- Modelling of Composite Sandwich Structures with Honeycomb Core Subjected to High-Velocity Impact. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 92:2090-2096. 2010
- A Comparison of Progressive-Failure Criteria in the Prediction of the Dynamic Bending Failure of Composite Laminated Beams. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 92:2406-2414. 2010
- FEM Analysis of Dynamic Flexural Behaviour of Composite Sandwich Beams with Foam Core. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 92:2285-2291. 2010
- Residual Flexural Strength After Low-Velocity Impact in Glass/Polyester Composite Beams. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 92:25-30. 2010
- Impact Load Behaviour of Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) Hemp Fibre Composite Laminates. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. 3:298-310. 2009
- Impact Behaviour of Preloaded Glass/Polyester Woven Plates. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 69:711-717. 2009
- Dynamic Analysis of Bending-Torsion Coupled Composite Beams Using the Flexibility Influence Function Method. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 50:1611-1618. 2008
- Compressive Residual Strength at Low Temperatures of Composite Laminates Subjected to Low-Velocity Impacts. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 85:226-232. 2008
book chapters
- Analysis of Damage in Hybrid Composites Subjected to Ballistic Impacts: An Integrated Non-destructive Approach. In: Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials. Vol.3: Physico-Chemical and Mechanical Characterization. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. 175-210. 2017
- Perforation of composite laminate subjected to dynamic loads. In: Dynamic failure of composite and sandwich structures. SPRINGER CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER GMBH. 291-337. 2013
conference contributions
- Comportamiento dinámico de materiales sostenibles para núcleos de estructuras sándwich 2022
- Comportamiento frente a impacto de media velocidad de estructuras sandwich con núcleos sostenibles. 1-1. 2022
- Viabilidad del uso de corcho aglomerado como núcleo de estructuras sandwich sometidas a impacto = Feasibility of the use of agglomerated cork as the core of sandwich structures subject to impact. 186-186. 2022
- Efecto de la interacción entre agujeros en la iniciación del daño en laminados = Effect of hole interaction in the initiation of damage in laminates. 18-22. 2020
- Cork core sandwich structures: Static and dynamic response. 849-859. 2019
- Tolerancia al daño de placas de laminados reparadas = Damage tolerance in repaired composite laminates. 83-87. 2019
- Ánalisis del comportamiento de reparaciones adhesivas sometidas a cargas estáticas = Analysis of the behaviour of adhesive composite repairs subjected to static loads. 81-86. 2019
- Análisis de las tensiones fuera del plano en laminados mediante diferencias finitas. 10-16. 2018
- Compression behaviour of composite laminates using the Serial/Parallel mixing theory 2018
- Mechanical behaviour of bonded repaired composite plates. 1073-1078. 2018
- Análisis de placas sándwich con pieles de material compuesto sometidas a impacto oblicuo de alta velocidad. 11-16. 2017
- Analysis of the adhesive thickness in the mechanical response of composite bonded repairs 2016
- Influence of the traction-separation cohesive law on the failure load of adhesively-bonded repairs 2016
- Thermal Induced Damage in Laminated Composite Materials using a Discrete Damage Model 2016
- Thermo-mechanically induced damage in open-hole laminates 2016
- Análisis de la evolución del daño en placas de tipo laminado con un agujero. 947-952. 2015
- Compression after impact test method for thin laminates 2015
- Effect of basal fibre hybridization on high velocity impact behaviour of carbon/epoxy composites 2015
- Influence of ply thickness on the damage evolution in open-hole laminate plates 2015
- Influencia del espesor en el rango de aplicación de un útil CAI desarrollado para laminados delgados. 1147-1152. 2015
- Modelización de reparaciones adhesivas de laminados de pequeño espesor de material compuesto. 1275-1280. 2015
- The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates 2015
- Analysis of the dynamic flexural behaviour of sandwich beams 2014
- Estudio numérico del comportamiento a compresión de un núcleo de nido de abeja de aluminio 2014
- Numerical study on the compressive behaviour of honeycomb core 2014
- Size effect on damage evolution in open-hole composite laminates 2014
- Análisis de la localización del daño en laminados empleando un modelo de daño discreto 2013
- High velocity impact analysis of aluminium plates subjected to membrane load 2013
- Nuevo útil de compresión después de impacto para laminados delgados 2013
- Estudio de la absorción de energía en elementos tubulares sometidos a impacto de baja energía = Study of Eergy Absorption in Tubular Elements Subjected to Low Energy Impacts 2011
- Failure Prediction in Honeycomb Sandwich Beams Under Low-Velocity Impact 2011
- Impact on Tubuluar Composite Structures 2011
- Modelización numérica del impacto a baja velocidad sobre vigas sándwich con núcleo metálico de nido de abeja 2011
- Numerical Modelling of Low-velocity Impact on Honeycomb Cored Sandwich Beams with Composite Face-sheets 2011
- Perforation Modelling of Thin Laminated Plates 2011