sample of publications
- Longitudinal segmented analysis of Internet usage and well-being among older adults. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 8:168-176. 2024
- Editor's Note [Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Economics, Finance and Business]. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 7:5-5. 2022
- AWS PredSpot: Machine Learning for Predicting the Price of Spot Instances in AWS Cloud. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 7:65-74. 2022
- Dynamic Generation of Investment Recommendations Using Grammatical Evolution. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 6:104-111. 2021
- IACS-HCSP: Improved ant colony optimization for large-scale home care scheduling problems. Expert Systems with Applications. 142:1-16. 2020
- Grammatical Evolution-based ensembles for algorithmic trading. Applied Soft Computing Journal. 84:1-10. 2019
- Integration in the European electricity market: A machine learning-based convergence analysis for the Central Western Europe region. Energy Policy. 132:549-566. 2019
- A survey of handwritten character recognition with MNIST and EMNIST. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 9:1-16. 2019
- Synthetic and real data sets for benchmarking non-cryptographic hash functions. Data in Brief. 25. 2019
- Evolutionary hash functions for specific domains. Applied Soft Computing Journal. 78:58-69. 2019
- On the Automated, Evolutionary Design of Neural Networks-Past, Present, and Future. Neural Computing and Applications. 519-545. 2019
- Hybridizing Evolutionary Computation and Deep Neural Networks: An Approach to Handwriting Recognition Using Committees and Transfer Learning. Complexity. 2019. 2019
- Evolution of trading strategies with flexible structures: A configuration comparison. Neurocomputing. 331:242-262. 2019
- A Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Activity Recognition using Mobile Devices. Sensors. 19. 2019
- A recommender system based on implicit feedback for selective dissemination of ebooks. Information Sciences. 467:87-98. 2018
- Grid-enabled evolution strategies for large-scale home care crew scheduling. Cluster Computing. 21:1261-1273. 2018
- System steganalysis with automatic fingerprint extraction. PLoS ONE. 13. 2018
- Evolutionary Design of Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition in Sensor-Rich Environments. Sensors. 18. 2018
- Evolutionary convolutional neural networks: An application to handwriting recognition. Neurocomputing. 283:38-52. 2018
- Internet Use and Psychological Well-Being at Advanced Age: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15. 2018
- Extending ACO for fast path search in huge graphs and social networks. Expert Systems with Applications. 86:292-306. 2017
- Clustering technique for large-scale home care crew scheduling problems. Applied Intelligence. 47:443-455. 2017
- Random Forest Prediction of IPO Underpricing. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 7. 2017
- A Comparison Study of Classifier Algorithms for Cross-Person Physical Activity Recognition. Sensors. 17. 2017
- Enhancing Financial Portfolio Robustness with an Objective Based on epsilon-Neighborhoods. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 15:479-515. 2016
- Resting tremor classification and detection in Parkinson's disease patients. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 16:88-97. 2015
- Combining RMT-based filtering with time-stamped resampling for robust portfolio optimization. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 8:874-885. 2015
- Automatic design of noncryptographic hash functions using genetic programming. Computational Intelligence. 30:798-831. 2014
- Performance of the most common non-cryptographic hash functions. Software - Practice and Experience. 44:681-698. 2014
- Soft computing in finance and economics. AI Communications. 27:171-172. 2014
- Extended mean-variance model for reliable evolutionary portfolio optimization. AI Communications. 27:315-324. 2014
- Multiobjective algorithms with resampling for portfolio optimization. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS. 32:777-796. 2013
- Time-stamped resampling for robust evolutionary portfolio optimization. Expert Systems with Applications. 39:10722-10730. 2012
- Using the ACO algorithm for path searches in social networks. Applied Intelligence. 36:899-917. 2012
- Exploring pricing rules in combinatorial sealed-bid auctions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 82:462-478. 2012
- Predicting IPO underpricing with genetic algorithms. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 8:133-146. 2012
- Multi-objective metaheuristics for multi-disciplinary engineering applications. Engineering Optimization. 44:241-242. 2012
- A lazy learning approach for building classification models. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 26:773-786. 2011
- Time series prediction evolving Voronoi regions. Applied Intelligence. 34:116-126. 2011
- Michigan Particle Swarm Optimization for Prototype Reduction in Classification Problems. New Generation Computing. 27:239-257. 2009
- Special Issue: Computational Finance and Economics. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 13:1-2. 2009
- Benchmarking a Wide Spectrum of Metaheuristic Techniques for the Radio Network Design Problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 13:1133-1150. 2009
- Nearest Prototype Classification of Noisy Data. Artificial Intelligence Review. 30:53-66. 2009
- Early Bankruptcy Prediction Using ENPC. Applied Intelligence. 29:157-161. 2008
- Soft Computing Techniques Applied to Finance. Applied Intelligence. 29:111-115. 2008
- Learning Radial Basis Neural Networks in a Lazy Way: A Comparative Study. Neurocomputing. 71:2529-2537. 2008
- Local Feature Weighting in Nearest Prototype Classification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 19:40-53. 2008
- Rendimiento en salidas a bolsa: un estudio mediante perceptrones multicapa. Actualidad Contable FACES. Año 11:78-88. 2008
book chapters
- Boosting the Exploration of Huge Dynamic Graphs. In: Sampling Techniques for Supervised or Unsupervised Tasks. SPRINGER. 205-226. 2019
- Neural Lazy Local Learning. In: Optimization Techniques for Solving Complex Problems. WILEY. 2009
- Envolving Rules For Local Time Series Prediction. In: Optimization Techniques or Solving Complex Problems. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. 247-261. 2009
- Multi-Unit Auction Analysis by Means of Agent-Based Computational Economics. In: Artificial Economics: The Generative Method in Economics. SPRINGER. 93-101. 2009
- The Radio Network Design Optimization Problem. Benchmarking and State-of-the-Art Solvers. In: Biologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods: Parallel Algorithms, Systems and Applications. 219-260. 2009
conference contributions
- Model Selection in Committees of Evolved Convolutional Neural Networks using Genetic Algorithms. 364-373. 2019
- Feature Selection for Physical Activity Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms. 2185-2192. 2017
- Feature set optimization for physical activity recognition using genetic algorithms. 1311-1318. 2015
- Monte Carlo schemata searching for physical activity recognition. 176-183. 2015
- A Scalable Machine Learning Online Service for Big Data Real-Time Analysis. 1-8. 2014
- A Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Searching Relationships in Social Networks. 60-65. 2011
- Ant Colony to Fast Search of Paths in Huge Networks. 199-208. 2011
- Portfolio Optimization Using SPEA2 with Resampling. 127-134. 2011
- A Study of the Effects of Clustering and Local Search on Radio Network Design: Evolutionary Computation Approaches 2008
- A Study of the Noise Sensitivity of a Particle Swarm Algorithm for Classification 2008
- Driving Cars by Means of Genetic Algorithms 2008
- Evolving a Rule System Controller for Automatic Driving in a Car Racing Competition 2008
- Testing BOI and BOB Algorithms for Solving the Winner Determination Problem in Radio Spectrum Auctions 2008