sample of publications
- Evaluation of PLA-Based Composite Films Filled with Cu2(OH)3NO3 Nanoparticles as an Active Material for the Food Industry: Biocidal Properties and Environmental Sustainability. Polymers. 16:1-17. 2024
- Capability of Copper Hydroxy Nitrate (Cu2(OH)3NO3) as an Additive to Develop Antibacterial Polymer Contact Surfaces: Potential for Food Packaging Applications. Polymers. 15. 2023
- Antibacterial capability of MXene (Ti3C2Tx) to produce PLA active contact surfaces for food packaging applications. Membranes. 12:1-15. 2022
- Photocatalytic Behavior of Supported Copper Double Salt: The Role of Graphene Oxide. Journal of Chemistry. 2022:1-9. 2022
- Antibacterial and antioxidant triple-side filler composed of fumed silica, iron, and tea polyphenols for active food packaging. FOOD CONTROL. 138:109036,1-109036, 8. 2022
- Antibacterial LDPE films for food packaging application filled with metal-fumed silica dual-side fillers. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 31:1-8. 2022
- Emerging opportunities of silica-based materials within the food industry. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL. 167:1-9. 2021
- Recent advances in polymer-metallic composites for food packaging applications. TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 109:230-244. 2021
- Silver, copper, and copper hydroxy salt decorated fumed silica hybrid composites as antibacterial agents. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES. 195:111216(1)-111216(10). 2020
- Facile and Rapid decoration of graphene oxide with copper double salt, oxides and metallic copper as catalysts in oxidation and coupling reactions. CARBON. 161:7-16. 2020
- H2O2/UV layer-by-layer oxidation of multiwall carbon nanotubes: The "onion effect" and the control of the degree of surface crystallinity and diameter. CARBON. 139:1027-1034. 2018
- Effect of nitrogen and oxygen doped carbon nanotubes on flammability of epoxy nanocomposites. CARBON. 121:193-200. 2017
- Carbon nanotube-Cu hybrids enhanced catalytic activity in aqueous media. CARBON. 78:10-18. 2014
- An efficient method for the carboxylation of few-wall carbon nanotubes with little damage to their sidewalls. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 140:499-507. 2013
- Interphases in Graphene Polymer-based Nanocomposites: Achievements and Challenges. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 23:5302-5310. 2011
book chapters
conference contributions
- TiO2-GO, effect Over PVDF Piezoelectricity: Light and Flexible Pressure Sensors. 63-63. 2018
- To2-Go Effect Over PVDF Piezoelectricity: Light and Flexible Presure Sensors. 63-63. 2018
- Biotin oriented metal self-assembled microstructures 2012
- An Alternative Method for Obtaining Good Dispersions and Orientation of Mwcnts in an Aerospace Epoxy Resin 2011
- Dgeba and Liquid Crystalline Epoxy Correacted Networks: Synthesis and Curing Kinetics by Fluorencence and Ft-Nir Techniques 2008
- Tenacidad en resinas epoxi modificadas con cristales líquidos epoxi: efecto del agente entrecruzante 2008