sample of publications
- Structured factor copulas for modeling the systemic risk of European and United States banks. International Review of Financial Analysis. 96 Part A:103621. 2024
- Variational inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 151:1-23. 2020
- Copula stochastic volatility in oil returns: Approximate Bayesian computation with volatility prediction. Energy Economics. 92. 2020
- Parallel bayesian inference for high-dimensional dynamic factor copulas. Journal of Financial Econometrics. 17:118-151. 2019
- Particle learning for Bayesian semi-parametric stochastic volatility model. Econometric Reviews. 38:1007-1023. 2019
- Multidimensional risk in a nonstationary climate: joint probability of increasingly severe warm and dry conditions. Science Advances. 4. 2018
- Vine copula models for predicting water flow discharge at King George Island, Antarctica. STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT. 32:2787-2807. 2018
- Density estimation of circular data with Bernstein polynomials. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 47:273-286. 2018
- Seasonal copula models for the analysis of glacier discharge at King George Island, Antarctica. STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT. 31:1107-1121. 2017
- A new time-varying concept of risk in a changing climate. Scientific Reports. 6:1-7. 2016
- A Bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 100:814-829. 2016
- Time-varying nonstationary multivariate risk analysis using a dynamic Bayesian copula. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. 52:2327-2349. 2016
- Bayesian nonparametric models of circular variables based on dirichlet process mixtures of normal distributions. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS. 20:47-64. 2015
- Bayesian inference methods for univariate and multivariate GARCH Models: a Survey. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS. 29:76-96. 2015
- A semiparametric Bayesian approach to the analysis of financial time series with applications to value at risk estimation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 232:350-358. 2014
- Non-parametric copulas for circular-linear and circular-circular data: an application to wind directions. STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT. 27:1991-2002. 2013
- Bayesian analysis of multiple hypothesis testing with applications to microarray experiments. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS. 40:2276-2291. 2011
- Bayesian analysis of aggregate loss models. MATHEMATICAL FINANCE. 21:257-279. 2011
- Time-Varying Joint Distribution through Copulas. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 54:2383-2399. 2010
- The Gaussian Mixture Dynamic Conditional Correlation Model: Parameter Estimation, Value at Risk Calculation, and Portfolio Selection. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS. 28:559-571. 2010
- Bayesian Estimation of Finite Time Ruin Probabilities. APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. 25:787-805. 2009
- Nonparametric Analysis of Aggregate Loss Models. JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS. 36:149-166. 2009
- Bayesian Prediction of the Transient Behaviour and Busy Period in Short- and Long-Tailed GI/G/1 Queueing Systems. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 52:1615-1635. 2008
book chapters
- Markov chain Monte Carlo, introduction. In: Wiley Stats Ref: Statistics Reference Online. JOHN WILEY AND SONS LTD. 1-10. 2015
- Bayesian Prediction of Risk Measurements Using Copulas. In: Rethinking Risk Measurement and Reporting. 2, Examples and Applications from Finance. RISK BOOKS. 69-94. 2010
conference contributions
- Bayesian hierarchical vine copula models for the analysis of glacier discharge 2018
- Approximate bayesian computation for phase-type distributions 2016
- Modelling high dimensional stock dependence using factor copulas 2016
- Adapting the Bernstein copula to modeling cylindrical and spherical data with applications 2015
- Copula-based models for the analysis of glacier discharge at King George Island, Antarctica 2015
- Copula-based models for the analysis of glacier discharge at King George Island, Antarctica 2014
- Particle learning for Bayesian non-parametric Markov switching stochastic volatility model 2014
- Particle learning for Bayesian non-parametric Markov switching stochastic volatility model 2014
- Particle learning for Bayesian nonparametric stochastic volatility model 2014
- A bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamis conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection 2013
- Non-parametric copulas for circular-linear and circular-circular data: an application to wind directions 2013
- Particle learning for bayesian non-parametric Markov switching stochastic volatility models with financial applications 2013
- Bayesian Non-Parametric Portfolio Allocation and Hedging Risk with Multivariate Asymmetric GARCH 2012
- Bayesian Nonparametric Copulas for Multivariate Time Series 2012
- Bivariate Density Approximation using Random Bernstein Polynomials 2012
- A Semiparametric Bayesian Approach to the GARCH Model with Application to Value at Risk Estimation 2011
- The Gaussian Mixture Conditional Correlation Model: Parameter Estimation, Value at Risk Calculation and Portfolio Selection 2008
working papers
- Variational Inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas 2018
- Parallel Bayesian Inference for High Dimensional Dynamic Factor Copulas 2017
- Vine copula models for predicting water flow discharge in Antarctic glaciers 2016
- Seasonal copula models for the analysis of glacier discharge at King George Island, Antarctica 2015
- Particle learning for Bayesian non-parametric Markov Switching Stochastic Volatility model 2014
- Bayesian multivariate Bernstein polynomial density estimation 2013
- A Bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection 2013
- Bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection 2013
- Non-parametric methods for circular-circular and circular-linear 2011
- A Semiparametric Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Time Series with Applications to value at Risk 2010
- Circular Bernstein Polynomial Distributions 2010