sample of publications
- Feature and functional form selection in additive models via mixed-integer optimization. COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 176:106945. 2025
- A mathematical optimization approach to shape-constrained generalized additive models. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 255:124654-1-124654-16. 2024
- Pspatreg: R Package for Semiparametric Spatial Autoregressive Models. Mathematics. 12:2598. 2024
- Derivative curve estimation in longitudinal studies using P-splines. STATISTICAL MODELLING. 23. 2023
- Multidimensional adaptive P-splines with application to neurons' activity studies. BIOMETRICS. 79:1972-1985. 2023
- On constrained smoothing and out-of-range prediction using P-splines: A conic optimization approach. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. 2023
- An introduction to pspatreg: a new R package for semiparametric spatial autoregressive analysis. Region. 9. 2022
- Analysis of prior aspirin treatment on in-hospital outcome of geriatric COVID-19 infected patients. Medicina-Lithuania. 58:1-9. 2022
- Modeling latent spatio-temporal disease incidence using penalized composite link models. PLoS One. 17:e0263711. 2022
- Out-of-sample prediction in multidimensional P-spline models. Mathematics. 9:1761-1784. 2021
- The impact of immigration on the internal mobility of natives and foreign-born residents: evidence from Italy. Spatial Economic Analysis. 16:9-26. 2021
- An alternative semiparametric model for spatial panel data. Statistical Methods and Applications. 669-708. 2020
- A general framework for prediction in penalized regression. STATISTICAL MODELLING. 1-20. 2020
- Early, Non-Invasive Sensing of Sustained Hyperglycemia in Mice Using Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy. SENSORS. 19:1-12. 2019
- A class of bivariate regression models for discrete and/or continuous responses. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. 48:2359-2383. 2019
- On the estimation of variance parameters in non-standard generalised linear mixed models: application to penalised smoothing. STATISTICS AND COMPUTING. 29:483-500. 2019
- Short-term association between outdoor air pollution and osteoporotic hip fracture.. OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL. 2018
- Derivative estimation for longitudinal data analysis: examining features of blood pressure measured repeatedly during pregnancy. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 37:2836-2854. 2018
- Weather conditions and their effect on seasonality of incident osteoporotic hip fracture. Archives of Osteoporosis. 13. 2018
- Smooth additive mixed models for predicting aboveground biomass. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS. 22:23-41. 2017
- On the estimation of functional random effects. STATISTICAL MODELLING. 17:50-58. 2017
- Prediction of functional data with spatial dependence: a penalized approach. STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT. 31:7-22. 2017
- Penalized composite link models for aggregated spatial count data: A mixed model approach. Spatial Statistics. 17:179-198. 2016
- Twenty years of P-splines. SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions. 39:149-189. 2015
- Fast smoothing parameter separation in multidimensional generalized P-splines: the SAP algorithm. STATISTICS AND COMPUTING. 25:941-957. 2015
- Modeling regional economic dynamics: spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearities. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL. 48:229-245. 2014
- Comments on: Short-term forecasting the daily load curve for residential electricity usage in the smart grid [book review]. APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. 29:621-623. 2013
- Efficient two-dimensional smoothing with P-spline ANOVA mixed models and nested bases. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 61:22-37. 2013
- Effect of a Smoking Ban and School-Based Prevention and Control Policies on Adolescent Smoking in Spain: A Multilevel Analysis. PREVENTION SCIENCE. 13:574-583. 2012
- Confirmatory factor analysis of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in Spanish adolescents. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH. 21:1291-1298. 2012
- Discussion of "Analysing visual receptive fields through generalised additive models with interactions" by María Xose Rodríguez-Alvarez, Carmen Cadarso-Suarez and Francisco Gonzalez. SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions. 36:33-34. 2012
- Individual and contextual factors associated to smoking on school premises. NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH. 14:495-500. 2012
- SAR models with nonparametric spatial trends : A P-spline approach. Estadística española. 54:89-111. 2012
- P-spline ANOVA-type interaction models for spatio-temporal smoothing. STATISTICAL MODELLING. 11:49-69. 2011
- Intimate Partner Violence: Last Year Prevalence and Association with Socio-Economic Factors among Women in Madrid, Spain. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 20:169-175. 2010
- Spline Smoothing in Small Area Trend Estimation and Forecasting. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 53:3616-3629. 2009
- Smooth-car Mixed Models for Spatial Count Data. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 53:2968-2979. 2009
book chapters
- Biological Age Imputation by Data Depth. In: Building Bridges between Soft and Statistical Methodologies for Data Science. SPRINGER. 2023
- From spatiotemporal smoothing to functional spatial regression: a penalized approach. In: Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis. Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 403-423. 2022
- The risk of longevity and it practical application to solvency II: European harmonization for management purposes. In: Julio Castelo Matrán, International Insurance Prize, VII. Fundacion MAPFRE. 1-139. 2015
- Book of Abstracts XVIII Congreso de Biometría CEBMADRID. MADRID. 2022
- Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance. SPRINGER. 2018
- The Risk of Longevity and its Practical Application to Solvency II: European Harmonization for Management Purposes 2015
- El riesgo de longevidad y su aplicación práctica a solvencia II: modelos actuariales avanzados para su gestión. MADRID: Fundacion MAPFRE. 2014
- Splines con penalizaciones (P-splines): teoría y aplicaciones. PAMPLONA/IRUÑA: UNIVERSIDAD PUBLICA DE NAVARRA. 2008
conference contributions
- An effective framework for multivariate shape-constrained regression using P-splines. 22-22. 2023
- A new general and multivariable approach to categorize predictor variables. Optimal categorization of physical activity in COPD patients. 37. 2022
- Biological age imputation by data depth. 89. 2022
- Constrained smoothing and out-of-range prediction using P¿splines: an application to COVID-19 evolution. 12-16. 2022
- Modeling COPD hospitalizations using variable domain functional regression. 119-123. 2022
- A general framework for pediction in multidimensional smoothing. 62. 2018
- Derivative estimation for longitudinal data analysis: examining features of blood preassure measured repeatedly during pregnancy 2018
- Combining information at different scales in spatial epidemiology: a Composite Link Generalized Additive Model approach. 239-242. 2017
- Modelling latent trends in dynamic disease maps: a composite mixed model approach 2017
- Disaggregation of spatial and spatio-temporal counts in epidemiology: a penalized composite link model approach 2016
- Fast estimation of adaptive P-spline models 2016
- Smooth composite link modles for spatio-temporal dissagregation of epidemiological data 2016
- Spatio-temporal adaptive penalized splines with application to Neuroscience 2016
- The memory of extrapolating P-splines 2016
- The memory of extrapolating P-splines 2016
- Forecasting with generalized additive models 2015
- Regresión penalizada para datos funcionales con dependencia espacial 2015
- Spatial disaggregation of mortality data using penalized composite link mixed models 2015
- Splines con penalizaciones: una herramienta flexible en bioestadística 2015
- P-spline smoothing for functional data with spatial dependence 2014
- Penalized splines: a flexible tool in Biostatistics 2014
- Smoothing and forecasting mortality rate. 2014
- Multidimensional P-spline interacton mixed models for predicting aboveground in poplar short-rotation coppiece 2013
- P-spline mixed models: a Flexible approach for spatio-temporal data 2013
- Spatio-temporal seasonal data modelling and forecasting with penalized smooth ANOVA models 2013
- Seasonal Modulation Smoothing Mixed Models for Times Series Forecasting 2012
- Smoothing and Forecasting Seasonal Time Series with P-Spline Mixed Models 2012
- Biostatnet: una nueva red interdisciplinar de Bioestadística 2011
- Self learning mini-videos through Internet and mobile telephones: a help to the student in the Bologna process 2009
- P-spline ANOVA Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing 2008
- Smooth CAR Mixed-Models for Spatial Count Data 2008
working papers
- Modelling physical activity profiles in COPD patients: a new approach to variable-domain functional regression models 2023
- A general framework for prediction in penalized regression 2017
- Proposal for the recalibration of mortality and longevity shocks under Solvency II framework. Technical Note 2017
- Modelling latent trends from spatio-temporally grouped data using composite link mixed models 2016
- Penalized functional spatial regression 2015
- Penalized composite link mixed models for two-dimensional count data 2015
- Fast algorithm for smoothing parameter selection in multidimensional generalized P-splines 2013
- Modelling long term trend and local spatial correlation : a mixed penalized spline and spatial econometrics approach 2013
- Seasonal modulation mixed models for time series forecasting 2012
- P-Spline Anova-Type Interaction Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing 2009
- Smooth-Car Mixed Models for Spatial Count Data 2008
- Goodness of Fit in Models for Mortality Data 2008