sample of publications
- Gender balance in the workforce and abortion attitudes: A cross-national time-series analysis. British Journal of Sociology. 74:915-937. 2023
- Cultural impacts of social movements: Feminism within the Catholic Church in Spain. Feminist Review. 132:61-78. 2022
- Women in boots: football and feminism in the 1970s [Book Review]. Soccer and Society. 2022
- The history of women's football [Book Review]. Soccer and Society. 23:646-647. 2022
- Gender quotas and public demand for increasing women's representation in politics: An analysis of 28 European countries. European Political Science Review. 13:351-370. 2021
- Societal religiosity and the gender gap in political interest, 1990-2014. British Journal of Sociology. 72:252-269. 2021
- The impact of gender quotas in sport management: the case of Spain. Sport in Society. 2020
- Women pioneers in the history of sport: the case of Lilí Álvarez in Franco's Spain. International Journal of the History of Sport. 37:75-93. 2020
- Corrigendum to "Male allies of women's movements: Women's organizing within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain" [Women's Studies International Forum, 62 (2017), 43-51]. Women's Studies International Forum. 79. 2020
- Sport and social movements: Lilí Álvarez in Franco's Spain. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 54:622-646. 2019
- Male allies of women's movements: Women's organizing within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain. Women's Studies International Forum. 62:43-51. 2017
- Religion, gender and citizenship: women of faith, gender equality and feminism. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 19:276-277. 2017
- Luchar por participar: La protesta feminista en la Iglesia Católica durante el franquismo = Fighting for joining in: The Feminist Protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain. Pasado y Memoria. 203-226. 2016
- Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 18:502-504. 2016
- The Montenegrin Warrior Tradition: Questions and Controversies over NATO Membership. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 18:500-502. 2016
- Collective religiosity and the gender gap in attitudes towards economic redistribution in 86 countries, 1990-2008. Social Science Research. 57:17-30. 2016
- Soccer, Culture and Society in Spain: An Ethnography of Basque Fandom. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 51:367-369. 2016
- Righteous Rhetoric: Sex, Speech, and the Politics of Concerned Women for America. Gender and Society. 30:145-147. 2016
- Age and feminist activism: the feminist protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain. Social Movement Studies. 14:473-492. 2015
- The Spanish Welfare State in European Context [book review]. Contemporary Sociology. 42:840-841. 2013
- How the How the Spanish Peer-Review System Works: A Comparison with the United States System. Papers. 3:581-585. 2013
- Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-1978. South European Society and Politics. 17:109-113. 2012
- The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe: Italy, Spain, and Romania, 1870-1945. South European Society and Politics. 17:109-113. 2012
- Señoritas in Blue: The Making of a Female Political Elite in Franco's Spain: The National Leadership of the Sección Femenina de la Falange (1936-1977). South European Society and Politics. 15:329-330. 2010
- Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The Limits of Political Ambition?. Gender and Society. 23:424-426. 2009
- Global Perspectives on Gender Equality: Reversing the Gaze. Gender and Society. 23:424-426. 2009
book chapters
- Elite athlete activism for gender equality in sport: Women"s football in Spain. In: Athlete activism: contemporary perspectives.. Routledge. 109-119. 2021
- Sport mega-events as drivers of gender equality: Women"s football in Spain. In: Sport, gender and mega-events.. EMERALD. 187-200. 2021
- Social, political and organizational explanations. In: Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. Routledge. 36-45. 2020
- Chapter 20: An overview of research on gender and social policy in Spain. In: Handbook on Gender and Social Policy . Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd. 356-369. 2018
- Chapter 7: Gender and Political Sociology. In: The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology, v. 2. SAGE PUBLICATIONS, LTD. 143-154. 2018
- Social movements in abeyance in non-democracies: The Women's Movement in Franco's Spain. In: Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED. 259-290. 2015
- Are gender equality institutions the policy allies of the feminist movement? A contingent "yes" in the Spanish central state. In: New and alternative social movements in Spain: The Left, identity and globalizing processes. Routledge. 2014
- Gender Equality Policymaking in Spain (2008&-11):Losing Momentum. In: Politics and Society in Contemporary Spain: From Zapatero to Rajoy. PALGRAVE. 179-198. 2013
- Il policy-making sull´uguaglianza di genere: perdita di slancio. In: La Spagna di Rajoy. SOCIETA EDITRICE IL MULINO. 172-192. 2013
- Remaking Social Citizenship in Multicultural Europe: Women's Movements' Agency in Childcare Politics and Policies. In: Remaking Citizenship in Multicultural Europe Women's Movements, Gender and Diversity. Palgrave Macmillan. 94-117. 2012
- ¿Ha existido un movimiento feminista católico en España? Mujeres de Acción Católica durante el franquismo. In: Ritmos contemporáneos. Género, política y sociedad en los siglos XIX y XX. DYKINSON, S.L.. 149-174. 2012
- (Pre)School Is not Childcare: Preschool and Primary Education Policies in Spain since the 1930s. In: Children, Families, and States: Time Policies of Childcare, Preschool, and Primary Education in Europe. Berghahn Books. 220-236. 2011
- Las políticas de cuidado de los niños durante el franquismo. In: Encuadramiento femenino, socialización y cultura en el Franquismo. DIPUTACIÓN PROVINCIAL DE MALAGA. 233-249. 2010
- The Erosion of Familism in the Spanish Welfare State: Childcare Policy since 1975. In: Children, Gender and Families in Mediterranean Welfare States. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 129-142. 2010
- Las mujeres en España desde 1975: destacados avances en ausencia de ciertos debates. In: Modernidad, crisis y globalización: problemas de política y cultura. CAJAMAR. 367-383. 2008
- La expansión de una política de ayuda (parcial) a las familias: educación infantil y cuidado de los niños pequeños en España. In: En torno a la familia española: análisis y reflexiones desde perspectivas sociológicas y económicas. FUNDACIÓN DE LOS BANCOS Y CAJAS DE CECA (FUNCAS). 57-71. 2008
- Spain Women in Parliament: The Effectiveness of Quotas. In: Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas. MACMILLAN SUBSCRIPTIONS LTD. 123-133. 2008
- Políticas de igualdad de género en perspectiva comparada: el caso del Estado central en España. In: ¿La igualdad tiene sexo?. Universitat d'Estiu d'Andorra. 93-108. 2008
- Spain at the Vanguard in European Gender Equality Policies. In: Gender Politics in the Expanding European Union: Mobilization, Inclusion, Exclusion. Berghahn Publishers. 101-117. 2008
conference contributions
- Luchar por participar: la protesta feminista en la Iglesia Católica durante el franquismo 2016
- Sport and social movements: Lilí Álvarez in Franco's Spain 2016
- Sport and social protest: The case of Catholic feminist Lili Alvarez in Franco's Spain 2016
- Sport and social protest: The case of Catholic feminist Lili Alvarez in Franco's Spain 2016
- Gender, sport and social protest: The case of Catholic feminist Lilí Álvarez in 20th century Spain 2015
- Sport and social movements: The case of Catholic feminist Lilí Álvarez in 20th century Spain 2015
- Sport as a driver of social protest: The case of Catholic feminist Lilí Álvarez in 20th century Spain 2015
- Age and feminist activism: The feminist protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain 2013
- Disenchanting women: Secularization and the gender gap in attitudes towards economic redistribution in 79 countries 2013
- Age and Feminism: The Feminist Protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain 2012
- Is Feminism Synonymous with the Battle for Democracy? A Contingent "No" in the Spanish Case 2012
- Is Feminism Synonymous with the Battle for Democracy? A Contingent 'No' in Franco's Spain (mid-1930s-1975) 2012
- Studying Gender in Spanish Society: Past Achievements and Lines for Future Research 2012
- Age and Feminism: The Feminist Protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain (mid-1930s-1975) 2011
- Age and Feminism: The Feminist Protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain (mid-1930s-1975) 2011
- Is Feminism Synonymous with the Battle for Democracy? A Contingent "No" in the Spanish Case 2011
- Child Care in Spain after 1975: The Educational Rationale, the Catholic Church and Women in Civil Society 2008
- Children, Gender and Families in the Spanish Welfare State 2008
- Feminist Activism in the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain 2008
- Feminist Activism in the Spanish Catholic Church in Franco's Spain 2008
- How Spanish Women Fained Thirty-Six Percent of Partiamentary Seats?: The Effectiveness of (Voluntary) Gender Quotas in Spain 2008
- Internationalization, religion and gender identities: the fmeinist protest within the Catholic churchu in Franco's Spain (1930s-1975) 2008
- Las políticas de cuidado de los niños durante el franquismo 2008
- The Feminist Protest within the Spanish Catholic Church 2008
- Why 36 percent of Spanish members of parliamen are women? The effectiveness of quotas 2008
working papers