sample of publications
- Leveraging user-related Internet of Things for continuous authentication: a survey. ACM Computing Surveys. 52. 2019
- Una introducción técnica a la cadena de bloques. Revista Española de Seguros. 35-52. 2019
- Panorama actual de la ciberseguridad. Economía Industrial. 13-26. 2018
- Secure and Usable User-in-a-Context Continuous Authentication in Smartphones Leveraging Non-Assisted Sensors. Sensors. 18. 2018
- Key-Recovery Attacks on KIDS, a Keyed Anomaly Detection System. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 12:312-325. 2015
- Providing SIEM Systems with Self-Adaptation. Information Fusion. 21:145-158. 2015
- CooPeD: Co-owned Personal Data management. Computers and Security. 47:41-65. 2014
- Extended U plus F Social Network Protocol: Interoperability, reusability, data protection and indirect relationships in Web Based Social Networks. Journal of Systems and Software. 94:50-71. 2014
- Extended U+F social network protocol: interoperability, reusability, data protection and indirect relationships in web based social networks. Journal of Systems and Software. 94:50-71. 2014
- SoNeUCON(ABC), an expressive usage control model for Web-Based Social Networks. Computers and Security. 43:159-187. 2014
- Evolution, Detection and Analysis of Malware for Smart Devices. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 16:961-987. 2014
- Anonymous authentication for privacy-preserving IoT target-driven applications. Computers and Security. 37:111-123. 2013
- The Peer's Dilemma: A general framework to examine cooperation in pure peer-to-peer systems. Computer Networks. 56:3756-3766. 2012
- Towards an automatic enforcement for speeding: enhanced model and intelligent transportation systems realisation. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 6:270-281. 2012
- Bypassing information leakage protection with trusted applications. Computers and Security. 31:557-568. 2012
- La seguridad de la información: una reflexión prospectiva. Revista Sistemas. 74-81. 2010
- Anonymity in the Service of Attackers. Upgrade. 11:27-30. 2010
- Authentication and Privacy in Vehicular Networks. Upgrade. 11:72-78. 2010
- Pitfalls in CAPTCHA Design and Implementation: The Math CAPTCHA, a Case Study. Computers and Security. 29:141-157. 2010
- Autenticación y privacidad en redes vehiculares. Novática. Año XXXV:43-48. 2009
- Métodos y técnicas del atacante para ocultar su identidad en la Red. Novática. 202:18-21. 2009
- Cryptanalysis of a Novel Authentication Protocol Conforming to EPC-C1G2 Standard. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 31:372-380. 2009
- An Ultra Light Authentication Protocol Resistant to Passive Attacks under the Gen-2 Specification. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. 25:33-57. 2009
- LAMED - A PRNG for EPC Class-1 Generation-2 RFID Specification. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 31:88-97. 2009
- Automated Synthesis of Multiparty Rational Exchange Security Protocols. International transactions on systems science and applications. 4:312-321. 2008
- La protección de datos personales y la seguridad de la información. Revista jurídica de Castilla y León. 373-399. 2008
- Automated Design of Cryptographic Hash Schemes by Evolving Highly-Nonlinear Functions. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. 24:1485-1504. 2008
- Guaranteeing the Authenticity of Location Information. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 7:72-80. 2008
- Autonomous Decision on Intrusion Detection with Trained BDI Agents. Computer Communications. 31:1803-1813. 2008
- On the Distinguishability of Distance-Bounded Permutations in Ordered Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 3:166-172. 2008
- Secure Content Access and Replication in Pure P2P Networks. Computer Communications. 31:266-279. 2008
- Bayesian Rational Exchange. International Journal of Information Security. 7:85-100. 2008
- Cryptanalysis of Syverson's Rational Exchange Protocol. International journal of network security. 7:151-156. 2008
- EVAWEB v2: Enhancing a Web-Based Assessment System Focused on Non-Repudiation Use and Teaching. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies. 3:21-32. 2008
book chapters
- Security Protocols for Networks and Internet: A Global Vision. In: Computer and Network Security Essentials. SPRINGER. 135-151. 2018
- Criptografía. In: Conceptos fundamentales de inteligencia. TIRANT LO BLANCH. 99-109. 2016
- Voces. In: Diccionario LID Inteligencia y seguridad. LID Editorial empresarial. 2013
- User-Managed Access Control in Web Based Social Networks. In: Security and Privacy Preserving in Social Networks. SPRINGER. 97-137. 2013
- Towards an Intelligent Security Event Information Management System. In: Advances in Security Information Management: Perceptions and Outcomes. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 239-258. 2013
- Aspectos técnicos de seguridad en la Ley 11/2007 y su reglamento de desarrollo parcial. In: Administración electrónica y ciudadanos. CIVITAS. 718-742. 2011
- Overview of Security Issues in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. In: Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Envolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts. IGI GLOBAL. 894-911. 2011
- Las medidas de seguridad en el Reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal.Título II, Principios de la Protección de Datos, artículo 9. In: Comentario a la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal. CIVITAS. 735-761. 2010
- An Overview of Information Security. In: Advanced in Artificial Intelligence for Privacy Protection and Security. World Scientific. 29-60. 2010
- Trends, Problems and Misconceptions on Testing Network Intrusion Detection Systems Effectiveness. In: Computer Security: Intrusion, Detection and Prevention. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 51-62. 2010
- Cooperative Security in Peer-to-Peer and Mobile ad hoc Networks. In: Cooperative Wireless Communications. AUERBACH PUBLICATIONS. 391-412. 2009
- Game Theroy and Cooperation Analysis. In: Cooperative Wireless Communications. AUERBACH PUBLICATIONS. 2009
- Trends, Problems and Misconceptions on Testing Network Intrusion Detection Systems Effectiveness. In: Computer Security: Intrusion, Detection and Prevention. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 51-62. 2009
- La dimensión técnica de la protección de datos personales. In: Entre la ética, la política y el derecho: estudios en homenaje al profesor Gregorio Peces-Barba. I, Entre la ética, la política y el derecho. DYKINSON, S.L.. 1127-1142. 2008
- RFID Specification Revisited. In: In The Internet of Things: From RFID to the Next-Generation Pervasive Networked Systems. AUERBACH PUBLICATIONS. 127-156. 2008
- Secure Content Distribution in Pure Peer-to-Peer and Ad Hoc Networks. In: Handbook of Research on Secure Multimedia Distribution. IGI GLOBAL. 385-404. 2008
- Electronic Signature at the Heart of Information Security Development: An Overview. In: Electronic Signature Law: Emerging Trends. ICFAI UNIVERSITY PRESS. 83-96. 2008
- Secure Content Access and Replication in Pure P2P Networks. In: Computer Communications. 266-279. 2008
conference contributions
- Retos y Nuevas Fórmulas para la Transferencia de I+D a la Industria 2016
- MONOCLE - Extensible open-source forensic tool applied to cloud storage cases 2015
- SoNeUCON_ADM: the administrative model for SoNeUCON_ABC. 209-214. 2014
- Seguridad en Redes Sociales: problemas, tendencias y retos futuros 2013
- A Semantic Crawler: Olympic Women 2012
- Diseño de un protocolo para el envío de notificaciones de tráficoal vehículo a través de tecnologías ITS 2012
- La criptografia. De sus orígenes a la sociedad de la información 2012
- Protección de datos personales. Lecciones aprendidas en el contexto español [Conferencia inaugural] 2012
- Proyecto e-SAVE y PRECIOUS sobre la aplicación de tecnologías ITS para la supervisión del cumplimiento de las normas 2012
- U+F Social Network Protocol: Achieving Interoperability and Reusability between Web based Social Networks. 1387-1392. 2012
- A Functional Framework to Evade Network IDS. 1-10. 2011
- Artificial Immunity-based Correlation System. 422-425. 2011
- Advances in Ultralightweight Cryptography for Low-cost RFID Tags: Gossamer Protocol. 56-68. 2008
- CERTILOC: Implementation of a Spatial-Temporal Certification Service Compatible with Several Localization Technologies 2008
- CSteg: Talking on C Code - Steganography of C Source Code into Text 2008
- Hacia un sistema preventivo del exceso de velocidad 2008
- Nature-Inspired Synthesis of Rational Protocols. 981-990. 2008
- Non-Standard Attacks against Cryptographic Protocols, with an Example over a Simplified Mutual Authentication Protocol 2008
- On the Use of Genetic Programming to Develop Cryptographic Hashes 2008