sample of publications
- A gamified social robotics platform for intensive therapies in neurorehabilitation. Intelligent Service Robotics. 17:419-443. 2024
- The Town Crier: a Use Case Design and Implementation for a Socially Assistive Robot in Retirement Homes. Robotics. 13:1-25. 2024
- Readability of Non-text Images on the World Wide Web (WWW). IEEE Access. 10:116627-116634. 2022
- Extending the Evaluation of Social Assistive Robots with Accessibility Indicators: The AUSUS Evaluation Framework. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 51:601-612. 2021
- Sustainable technologies for older adults. Sustainability. 13:1-35. 2021
- Fieldwork and field trials in hospitals: Co-designing a robotic solution to support data collection in geriatric assessment. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11:3046. 2021
- A proposal of accessibility guidelines for human-robot interaction. Electronics (Switzerland). 10:561. 2021
- Automated Readability Assessment for Spanish e-Government Information. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management. 6:1-8. 2021
- Evaluation of accessibility barriers and learning features in m-learning chat applications for users with disabilities. Universal Access in the Information Society. 16:593-607. 2017
- Avoiding communication barriers in the classroom: the APEINTA project. Interactive Learning Environments. 24:829-843. 2016
- Accessibility barriers for users of screen readers in the Moodle learning content management system. Universal Access in the Information Society. 13:315-327. 2014
- User-Centered Requirement Engineering for Accessible Chats in m-Learning. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 20:964-985. 2014
- Evaluating the accessibility of three open-source learning content management systems: A comparative study (versión 2014). Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 22:320-328. 2014
- Are Accessible Distance Learning Systems Useful for All Students?: Our Experience with IMES, an Accessible Web-Based Learning System. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies. 8:1-18. 2013
- Lightly supervised acquisition of named entities and linguistic patterns for multilingual text mining. Knowledge and Information Systems. 35:87-109. 2013
- Requirements elicitation for designing an accessible chat = Captura de requisitos para el diseño de un chat accesible. Revista española de innovación, calidad e ingeniería del software. 8:7-21. 2012
- Evaluating the Accessibility of Three Open-Source Learning Content Management Systems: A Comparative Study. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 22:320-328. 2011
- Toward an equal opportunity web: applications, standards, and tools that increase accessibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- Towards and equal opportunity web: applications, standards and tools that increase accesibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- Educational Experiences Detecting, Using, and Representing Ternary Relationships in Database Design. IEEE Transactions on Education. 53:358-364. 2010
- APEINTA: apuesta por la enseñanza inclusiva: uso de nuevas tecnologías dentro y fuera del aula. FIAPAS. 1-12. 2010
- Learning Teaching Strategies in an Adaptive and Intelligent Educational System through Reinforcement Learning. Applied Intelligence. 31:89-106. 2009
- Reinforcement Learning of Pedagogical Policies in Adaptive and Intelligent Educational Systems. Knowledge-Based Systems. 22:266-270. 2009
book chapters
- Robotic geriatric assistant: A pilot assessment in a real-world hospital. In: Healthcare Systems: Challenges and Opportunities. WILEY. 129-144. 2022
- CLARC: Robotic Platform to Assist the CGA Evaluation in Elderly Patients. In: Research Anthology on Supporting Healthy Aging in a Digital Society. IGI GLOBAL. 813-835. 2022
- New communication technologies for inclusive education in and outside the classroom. In: Technologies for inclusive education: beyond traditional integration approaches. IGI GLOBAL. 271-284. 2012
- Disability standards and guidelines for learning management systems: Evaluating accessibility. In: Higher education institutions and learning management systems: Adoption and standardization. IGI GLOBAL. 199-218. 2012
- Desarrollo de Bases de Datos: Casos Prácticos Desde el Análisis a la Implementación. MADRID: RA-MA, S.A. EDITORIAL Y PUBLICACIONES. 2013
conference contributions
- Accessibility Evaluation of an Assistive Social Robotic Platform for Rehabilitation and Its Improvement by Means of Haptic Devices. 1516-1523. 2024
- Análisis de obstáculos lingüísticos en textos administrativos: un enfoque científico para mejorar la lecturabilidad 2024
- Is ChatGPT Able to Generate Texts that Are Easy to Understand and Read?. 138-147. 2024
- Image Relevance on Websites and Readability. 286-295. 2022
- Readability of Graphical Contents on World Wide Web (WWW). 1-4. 2022
- Web Images Relevance and Quality: User Evaluation. 66-69. 2022
- Fieldwork and field trials in hospitals: Co-designing a robotic solution to support data collection in geriatric assessment. 1-19. 2021
- Comp4Text Checker: an automatic and visual evaluation tool to check the readability of Spanish web pages. 258-265. 2020
- Comp4Text Checker: an automatic and visual evaluation tool to check the readability of web pages. 258-265. 2020
- Influence of Term Familiarity in Readability of Spanish e-Government Web Information. 905-915. 2020
- Readability of Spanish e-government information. 1-4. 2020
- Towards long term acceptance of Socially Assistive Robots in retirement houses: Use case definition. 134-139. 2020
- Accessibility Guidelines for Tactile Displays in Human-Robot Interaction. A Comparative Study and Proposal. 217-220. 2018
- CLARC: A cognitive robot for helping geriatric doctors in real scenarios. 403-414. 2018
- Towards a robust robotic assistant for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment procedures: updating the CLARC system. 820-825. 2018
- Integrating the users in the design of a robot for making Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments (CGA) to elderly people in care centers. 483-488. 2017
- CLARC: a robotic architecture for comprehensive geriatric assessment. 1-8. 2016
- Are all Chats suitable for learning purposes? A study of the required characteristics. 251-260. 2014
- Evaluación con personas reales de un Chat accesible a través de la plataforma UNINNOVA. 60-70. 2014
- Overlapping Chat's Accessibility Requirements between students with and without disabilities due to the mobile limitations. 101-108. 2014
- Accessibility evaluation of Chats and Forums in e-learning environments. 133-139. 2013
- An Accessible Chat Prototype for Screen Reader Users in Mobile Devices. 216-220. 2013
- Are chats and forums accessible in e-learning systems?: a heuristic evaluation comparing four learning content management systems. 342-342. 2013
- Chat's accessibility in mobile learning environments 2013
- Chats for all: A user survey to improve chats' interaction. 11-18. 2013
- Requirements Elicitation to Design an Accessible Chat as a Synchronous Tool in m-Learning Environments. 358-364. 2012
- Tablets Helping Elderly and Disabled People. 237-244. 2012
- A Study of Accessibility Requirements for Media Players on the Web. 249-257. 2011
- A Theoretical Accessible Approach for Collaborative Learning in Mobile Devices. 375-382. 2011
- APEINTA: uso de nuevas tecnologías para facilitar el acceso a la educación para tod@s 2011
- Accessibility evaluation of Moodle centred in visual impairements. 221-228. 2011
- CESyA. APEINTA: uso de nuevas tecnologías para facilitar el acceso a la educación para tod@s 2011
- HTML5 Support for an Accessible User-Video-Interaction on the Web. 535-539. 2011
- Is Moodle Accessible for Visually Impaired People?. 207-220. 2011
- Requisitos de accesibilidad web en los reproductores multimedia. 59-69. 2011
- Tablet PC and Head Mounted Display for Live Closed Captioning in Education. 885-886. 2011
- Web Accessibility Requirements for Media Players. 669-674. 2011
- Web Educational Services for All: The APEINTA Project 2011
- Automatic Identification of Biomedical Concepts in Spanish language Unstructured Clinical Texts. 751-757. 2010
- Evaluating the Users' Satisfaction Using Inclusive Initiatives in Two Different Environments: The University and a Research Conference. 591-594. 2010
- Evaluating the use of speech technologies in the classroom: the APEINTA Project. 3976-3980. 2010
- La accesibilidad en la publicidad: nueva propuesta de gestión de contenidos en el proyecto GEMMA. 71-84. 2010
- Supporting Teachers to Automatically Build Accessible Pedagogical Resources: The APEINTA Project. 620-624. 2010
- Uso de dispositivos iPad para lectura de subtítulos en las aulas. 85-94. 2010
- APEINTA: A Spanish Educational Project Aiming for Inclusive Education In and Out of the Classroom. 393-393. 2009
- APEINTA: a spanish educational project aiming for inclusive education in and out of the classroom. 393-393. 2009
- Anonimytext: Anonimization of Unstructured Documents. 284-287. 2009
- PEDACCE: una plataforma de educación digital y accesible en Web. 213-231. 2009
- Towards Interoperability in E-health Systems. A three-dimensional approach based on standards and semantics. 205-210. 2009
- Accessible Interfaces for Educational Multimedia Contents. 56-60. 2008
- IRIS: un sistema de integración de información sobre materiales audiovisuales subtitulados y audiodescritos a partir de fuentes de datos heterogéneas 2008
- MAW: A New Effective and Efficient Knowledge Meta-model for Audiovisual Works. 739-744. 2008
- MOSTAS: un etiquetador morfo-semántico, anonimizador y corrector de historiales clínicos. 299-300. 2008
- Using Accessible Digital Resources for Teaching Data base Design: towards an inclusive distance leaming proposal. 32-36. 2008
- Using Accessible Digital Resources for Teaching Database Design: towards an inclusive distance learning proposal. 32-36. 2008