Fundamental Issues in Criminal Law Research Group uri icon

  • Action and omission in criminal law
  • Analogical interpretation
  • Apologia
  • Crimes against freedom
  • Crimes against life and bodily security
  • Crimes against the public treasury
  • Criminal code and secrets
  • Criminal code dogma
  • Criminal law and new technologies
  • Criminal law of the environment
  • Economic criminal law and criminal law of civil servants
  • Execution of sentences and penitentiary law
  • Freedom of expression
  • Modifying circumstances of criminal responsibility
  • Political crimes and crimes of terrorism
  • Sexual and gender violence
  • Spatial sphere of criminal law, special reference to the principle of justice
  • The Principle of legality
  • The correctional costs of the security policy and the privatization of penitentiary execution
  • The non bis in idem principle
  • Theory of sentencing