Research Group on Social Security and the Prevention of Labour Risks Research Group uri icon

  • Assignation of social security liabilities related to work inspections in cases of non-compliance with safety measures: Temporary Employment Agencies, Contractors and Subcontractors
  • Commercial risk insurance and voluntary improvements
  • Compatibility and incompatibility of liabilities: Extension of the NON BIS IN IDEM principle
  • Implications for Social Security schemes for the self-employed (RETA, RETM, REA): obstacles to homogenization and schemes
  • Incapacity, disability and handicaps, and risk prevention at work
  • Liability in social security and prevention matters
  • New pathologies (moral harassment, brain and cardiovascular illnesses, etc.)
  • New social needs and the demands for reforms to the social security system
  • Partial retirement, flexible retirement, atypical work contracts, and risk assessment
  • Preventive measures in the workplace, maintenance of healthy conditions, quality of life, and protection of dependent persons under age 65
  • Protection of certain collectives
  • Specific issues for self-employed workers
  • Susceptible subjects, maternity benefits and risks during pregnancy and protection of maternity within the scope of employment
  • The STILL confusing nature of benefit surcharges
  • The multiple meanings of concepts of work accidents and professional illnesses seen from the standpoints of risk prevention (the concept of risk) and Social Security (concept of contingency): convergences and dysfunctions
  • The two faces of work accident insurance companies
  • Work accident rate and the protection of dependent persons under age 65