publisher of
- La crisis de la economía española: análisis económico de la gran recesión. MADRID. 2010
- Remuneración por rendimiento y diferencial salarial de género en España. In: Talento, esfuerzo y movilidad social. 231-270. 2011
- Do Temporary Help Agencies Help? Temporary employment transitions for low-skilled workers 2022
- Inmigración y políticas migratorias en España 2021
- A practitioners' guide to gravity models of international migration 2014
- The Effect of Public Sector Employment on Women's Labour Market Outcomes 2011
- Politicians' Luck of the Draw: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery 2011
- Immigration and Crime in Spain, 1999-2006 2008
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain 2008
- Differential Grading Standards and University Funding: Evidence from Italy 2008