publisher of
- Special Issue on heterogeneous architectures and high-performance computing. Ed. 39-8. 2013
- Active nanophotonics. In: All-Dielectric Nanophotonics. 365-398. 2024
- Educational inequality. In: Handbook of the Economics of Education. 405-497. 2023
- Learning and information services in the Knowledge Economy: strategic relevance and marketing of educational services and programs. In: Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from information services in educational, cultural and corporate environments. 3-19. 2022
- Transparency as social responsibility: librarians' and archivists' standpoints on active public disclosure as a mechanism for transparency. In: Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from information services in educational, cultural and corporate environments. 159-187. 2022
- Porous Electrode Components in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers. In: Encyclopedia of Energy Storage. Vol. 2. 290-298. 2022
- Commercial finance in Europe, 1700-1815. In: Handbooks in Financial Globalization: Handbook of Key Global Financial Markets, Institutions and Infrastructure. 95-105. 2012
- Patents and the Market for Technology. In: Intellectual Property, Growth and Trade. 123-149. 2008
- Accessibility Evaluation of an Assistive Social Robotic Platform for Rehabilitation and Its Improvement by Means of Haptic Devices. 1516-1523. 2024
- Revealing intracavitary catheter positions: artificial intelligence-enhanced localization with an electrogram-driven variational autoencoder model. 561. 2024
- Correlation between Metal Fused Filament Fabrication parameters and material properties of sintered 17-4 PH. 59-66. 2023
- Effects of thermal aging at 873 K on the impact properties of an ODS ferritic steel. 1-10. 2023
- CFRP drilling process control based on spindle power consumption from real production data in the aircraft industry. 1533-1538. 2022
- Comparison of Flight FTC Techniques: from standard and structured H¿, to self-scheduling and LPV. 61-66. 2022
- Convolutional neural networks to identify drivers in persistent atrial fibrilation patients. S412-S412. 2022
- Crack morphology in lattice-core specimens made of biopolymer via fused deposition modelling. 379-386. 2022
- Enhanced AOCS verification techniques for Euclid's high-pointing performance. 91-96. 2022
- Characterization of high-power white leds for VLC applications. 1-5. 2021
- Actitudes de las personas mayores sobre su calidad de vida, salud y futuro en tiempos del COVID19. 191-191. 2020
- Micromechanical study of the origin of fiber bridging in mode I interlaminar and intralaminar fractur. 877-891. 2019
- Tool wear and induced damage in CFRP drilling with step and double point angle drill bits. 610-617. 2019
- Numerical modeling of instabilities during machining of aeronautical alloy. 36-42. 2017
- Raman and cathodoluminescence analysis of transition metal ion implanted Ga2O3 nanowires. 56-60. 2017
- Edge detection based on Krawtchouk polynomials. 244-250. 2015
- Microstructural and mechanical characterization of Cu-0.8wt%Y. 1941-1944. 2015
- A Comparison of Optimal Control Methods for Minimum Fuel Cruise at Constant Altitude and Course with Fixed Arrival Time. 231-244. 2014
- Accessibility to mobile interfaces for older people. 57-66. 2014
- Are all Chats suitable for learning purposes? A study of the required characteristics. 251-260. 2014
- Description of engineering artifacts and archival data: EAD meets VRA. 341-344. 2014
- District cooling using central tower power plant. 1800-1809. 2014
- Expropriation risk, investment decisions and economic sectors 2014
- New designs of molten-salt tubular-receiver for solar power tower. 504-513. 2014
- Toward an integration of Web accessibility into testing processes. 281-291. 2014
- 18F-misonidazole positron-emission tomography (FMISO-PET) as an early biomarker of vascular normalization in response to antiangiogenic therapy. 155-155. 2013
- Annotation Issues in Pharmacological Texts. 211-219. 2013
- Condition numbers for inversion of Fiedler companion matrices. 944-981. 2013
- Heterogeneous Network Games: Conflicting Preferences. 56-66. 2013
- Microstructure and temperature dependence of the microhardness of W-4V-1La2O3 and W-4Ti-1La2O3. 229-232. 2013
- Microstructure and tensile properties of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe&-14Cr&-0.3Y2O3 and Fe&-14Cr&-2W&-0.3Ti&-0.3Y2O3. 142-147. 2013
- Tensile and fracture characteristics of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-12Cr produced by hot isostatic pressing. 119-123. 2013
- XTM-based Metadata Exploration and Retrieval: the History of Spanish Civil Engineering project. 345-348. 2013
- An Approach to User Interface Design of an Accessible User Agent. 254-262. 2012
- Experimental Results of a Thermochemical Compressor for an Absorption/Compression Hybrid Cycle. 297-304. 2012
- Longitudinal change in levels of N-acetyl-aspartate in early onset psychosis and healthy controls. 106. 2012
- P-1266 - Dimensional schizophrenia: not an easy transition [abstract] 2012
- Sex differences in basal and longitudinal brain changes in aerly onset psychosis. 372-373. 2012
- Study of an ejector-absorption refrigeration cycle with an adaptable ejector nozzle for different working conditions. 305-312. 2012
- Analytical Characterization of Secondary Phases and Void Distributions in an Ultrafine-grained ODS Fe-14Cr Model Alloy. 217-220. 2011
- Analytical characterization of secondary phases and void distributions in an ultrafine-grained ODS Fe&-14Cr model alloy. 217-220. 2011
- Development of oxide dispersion strengthened W alloys produced by hot isostatic pressing. 2534-2537. 2011
- Fully-3D GPU PET Reconstruction. 169-171. 2011
- Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy preplanning using radiance new features. The Need for Common Protocols Revisites. 14-14. 2011
- Intraoperative Imaging in IOERT Sarcoma Treatment: Initial Experience in two Clinical Cases. 90-90. 2011
- La2O3-Reinforced W and W-V alloys Produced by Hot Isostatic Pressing. 508-511. 2011
- La2O3-reinforced W and W&-V alloys produced by hot isostatic pressing. 508-511. 2011
- Mechanical properties of tungsten alloys with Y2O3 and titanium additions 2011
- Review on the EFDA work programme on nano-structured ODS RAF steels. 149-153. 2011
- The materials production and processing facility at the Spanish National Centre for fusion technologies (TechnoFusión). 2538-2540. 2011
- Shareholder Voting and Disclosure in M&As 2023
- A Labor Market Sorting Model of Scarring and Hysteresis 2022
- The Confirmatory Role of Conditional Conservatism over Voluntary Disclosure 2022
- Demand-Driven Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting Quality: Evidence on Symbolic vs Substantive Change after Large Technological Disasters 2021
- Narrative Conservatism 2021
- Defusing Leverage: Liquidity Management and Labor Contracts 2021
- Not Just a Boys' Club: Common Gender and Private Information Channels in Insider Trading 2020
- Firm Efforts to Improve Employee Quality and Corporate Investment Efficiency 2020
- Asking an Embarrassingly Simple Question: When Online P3 Communities Diminish Consumers' Willingness to Request Needed Help 2020
- Stakeholder and Firm Communication in Social Media: The Case of Twitter and Corporate Social Responsibility Information 2019
- Accounting Conservatism and the Profitability of Corporate Insiders 2019
- Performance Evaluation in Competitive REE Models 2010