publisher of
- The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain. Berlin. 2022
- Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Approaching Religious Transformations from Archaeology, History, and Classics. Berlin-Boston. 2020
- Norma y diferencias: una década de escena inclusiva en el Centro Dramático Nacional (2013-2023). In: Normas y Diferencias. La diversidad funcional y las artes escénicas, la literatura y el cine. 19-34. 2025
- Humor, pastiche y diversidad funcional en escena: Supernormales, de Esther Carrodeguas. In: Representaciones cómicas de la discapacidad: entre inclusión y exclusión. 21-36. 2024
- Sobre la belleza (Sociedad Doctor Alonso), un remedio contra la aceleración. In: Imágenes de la vejez: diversidad funcional y envejecimiento en las artes escénicas españolas. 45-58. 2024
- Perceiving the Countryside: Some Thoughts on the Representation of Agrarian Cycles and Tasks in the Mosaics of Roman Spain. In: The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain, . 49-69. 2022
- Introduction to Section 3. In: Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Approaching Religious Transformations from Archaeology, History, and Classics. 309-317. 2020
- Renewing the Past. Rufinus' Appropriation of the Sacred Site of Panóias (Vila Real, Portugal). In: Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Approaching Religious Transformations from Archaeology, History and Classics . 319-349. 2020
- Heraclitus, Protagoras and Plato: Theaetetus 155d1&-160e4 . In: Plato's Theaetetus Revisited. 53-64. 2020
- The Textual Tradition of the Theaetetus from Stobaeus to the Medieval Anthologies. In: Plato's Theaetetus Revisited. 251-276. 2020
- Pursuing Lived Ancient Religion. In: Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Approaching Religious Transformations from Archaeology, History, and Classics. 1-8. 2020
- Negotiating the Body: between Religious Investment and Narratological Strategies. Paulina, Decius Mundus and the priests of Anubis. In: Beyond Priesthood. Religious Entrepreneurs and Innovators in the Roman Empire. 385-416. 2017
- Early Imperial Roman Peasant Communities in Central Spain: Agrarian Structure, Standards of Living, and Inequality in the North of Roman Carpetania = Asentamientos campesinos en el norte de la Carpetania romana (100 a.C. - 400 d.C.). Hábitat, condiciones de vida y desigualdad. 23-48. 2022
- Perceiving the Countryside: Some Thoughts on the Representation of Agrarian Cycles and Tasks in the Mosaics of Roman Spain = Ciclos agrarios en los mosaicos romanos de Hispania. 49-70. 2022
- With the measure you use you will be measured back... Late Roman and Early Medieval Peasants in Central Spain on Examination = Con la misma vara de medir: campesinos romanos y altomedievales a examen. 229-252. 2022