Active matter spans a wide range of time and length scales, from groups of cells and synthetic self-propelled colloids to schools of fish and flocks of birds. The theoretical framework describing these systems has shown tremendous success in finding universal phenomenology. However, further progress is often burdened by the difficulty of determining forces controlling the dynamics of individual elements within each system. Accessing this local information is pivotal for the understanding of the physics governing an ensemble of active particles and for the creation of numerical models capable of explaining the observed collective phenomena. In this work, we present ActiveNet, a machine-learning tool consisting of a graph neural network that uses the collective motion of particles to learn active and two-body forces controlling their individual dynamics. We verify our approach using numerical simulations of active Brownian particles, active particles undergoing underdamped Langevin dynamics, and chiral active Brownian particles considering different interaction potentials and values of activity. Interestingly, ActiveNet can equally learn conservative or nonconservative forces as well as torques. Moreover, ActiveNet has proven to be a useful tool to learn the stochastic contribution to the forces, enabling the estimation of the diffusion coefficients. Therefore, all coefficients of the equation of motion of Active Brownian Particles are captured. Finally, we apply ActiveNet to experiments of electrophoretic Janus particles, extracting the active and two-body forces controlling colloids' dynamics. On the one side, we have learned that the active force depends on the electric field and area fraction. On the other side, we have also discovered a dependence of the two-body interaction with the electric field that leads us to propose that the dominant force between active colloids is a screened electrostatic interaction with a constant length scale. We believe that the proposed methodological tool, ActiveNet, might open a new avenue for the study and modeling of experimental suspensions of active particles.