CyberNEMO: End-to-end Cybersecurity to NEMO meta-OS Projects uri icon



  • European Research Project


  • 101168182

date/time interval

  • October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2027


  • Horizon project 101070118 ΝΕΜΟ (Next Generation Meta OS) builds an IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum, in the form of an open-source,
    flexible, adaptable, and multi-technology meta-Operating System. NEMO aims to unleash the power of Artificial Intelligence IoT to
    increase European autonomy in data processing and lower CO2 footprint. Leveraging on consortium partners technological
    excellence, along with clear business and exploitation strategies, CyberNEMO builds on top of NEMO to add end-to-end cybersecurity
    and trust on IoT-Edge-Cloud-Data Computing Continuum.
    CyberNEMO will establish itself as a paradigm-shift to support resilience, risk preparedness, awareness, detection and mitigation
    within Critical Infrastructures deployments and across supply chains. To achieve technology maturity and massive adoption,
    CyberNEMO will not “reinvent the wheel”, but leverage on existing by-design, by-innovation, and by-collaboration zero-trust
    cybersecurity and privacy protection systems, and introduce novel concepts, methods, tools, testing facilities and engagement
    campaigns to go beyond today’s state of the art and create sustainable innovation, already evident within the project lifetime.
    CyberNEMO will offer end-to-end and full stack protection, ranging from a low level Zero-Trust Network Access layer up to a human
    AI explainable Situation Perception, Comprehension & Protection (SPCP) framework and tools, collaborative micro-cervices Auditing,
    Certification & Accreditation and a pan-European Knowledge Sharing, risk Assessment, threat Analysis and incidents Mitigation
    (SAAM) collaborative platform. Validation and penetration testing will take place in 6 pilots including OneLab for integration, various

    Critical Infrastructures (Energy, Water, Healthcare), media distribution, agrifood and fintech supply chain, along with their cross-
    domain, cross-border federation.

    Sustainability and adoption will be offered via the de-facto Eur