Towards realistic privacy-preserving deep learning over encrypted medical data Articles uri icon

publication date

  • April 2023

start page

  • 1

end page

  • 22


  • 10

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 2297-055X


  • Cardiovascular disease supposes a substantial fraction of healthcare systems. The invisible nature of these pathologies demands solutions that enable remote monitoring and tracking. Deep Learning (DL) has arisen as a solution in many fields, and in healthcare, multiple successful applications exist for image enhancement and health outside hospitals. However, the computational requirements and the need for large-scale datasets limit DL. Thus, we often offload computation onto server infrastructure, and various Machine-Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS) platforms emerged from this need. These enable the conduction of heavy computations in a cloud infrastructure, usually equipped with high-performance computing servers. Unfortunately, the technical barriers persist in healthcare ecosystems since sending sensitive data (e.g., medical records or personally identifiable information) to third-party servers involves privacy and security concerns with legal and ethical implications. In the scope of Deep Learning for Healthcare to improve cardiovascular health, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is a promising tool to enable secure, private, and legal health outside hospitals. Homomorphic Encryption allows for privacy-preserving computations over encrypted data, thus preserving the privacy of the processed information. Efficient HE requires structural optimizations to perform the complex computation of the internal layers. One such optimization is Packed Homomorphic Encryption (PHE), which encodes multiple elements on a single ciphertext, allowing for efficient Single Instruction over Multiple Data (SIMD) operations. However, using PHE in DL circuits is not straightforward, and it demands new algorithms and data encoding, which existing literature has not adequately addressed. To fill this gap, in this work, we elaborate on novel algorithms to adapt the linear algebra operations of DL layers to PHE. Concretely, we focus on Convolutional Neural Networks. We provide detailed descriptions and insights into the different algorithms and efficient inter-layer data format conversion mechanisms. We formally analyze the complexity of the algorithms in terms of performance metrics and provide guidelines and recommendations for adapting architectures that deal with private data. Furthermore, we confirm the theoretical analysis with practical experimentation. Among other conclusions, we prove that our new algorithms speed up the processing of convolutional layers compared to the existing proposals.


  • Computer Science


  • privacy-preserving; deep learning; healthcare; homomorphic encryption; simd; linear algebra; algorithms