Clustering-based attack detection for adversarial reinforcement learning Articles uri icon

publication date

  • February 2024

start page

  • 2631

end page

  • 2647


  • 54

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0924-669X

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1573-7497


  • Detecting malicious attacks presents a major challenge in the field of reinforcement learning (RL), as such attacks can force the victim to perform abnormal actions, with potentially severe consequences. To mitigate these risks, current research focuses on the enhancement of RL algorithms with efficient detection mechanisms, especially for real-world applications. Adversarial attacks have the potential to alter the environmental dynamics of a Markov Decision Process (MDP) perceived by an RL agent. Leveraging these changes in dynamics, we propose a novel approach to detect attacks. Our contribution can be summarized in two main aspects. Firstly, we propose a novel formalization of the attack detection problem that entails analyzing modifications made by attacks to the transition and reward dynamics within the environment. This problem can be framed as a context change detection problem, where the goal is to identify the transition from a “free-of-attack” situation to an “under-attack” scenario. To solve this problem, we propose a groundbreaking “model-free” clustering-based countermeasure. This approach consists of two essential steps: first, partitioning the transition space into clusters, and then using this partitioning to identify changes in environmental dynamics caused by adversarial attacks. To assess the efficiency of our detection method, we performed
    experiments on four established RL domains (grid-world, mountain car, carpole, and acrobot) and subjected them to four advanced attack types. Uniform, Strategically-timed, Q-value, and Multi-objective. Our study proves that our technique has a high potential for perturbation detection, even in scenarios where attackers employ more sophisticated strategies.


  • Computer Science


  • adversarial reinforcement learning; adversarial attacks; change-point detection; clustering; applications