Spanish works on subscription video-on-demand services: availability and prominence. Edition 2024 Books uri icon


  • ed. 2024

place of publication


publication date

  • 2024


  • 978-84-16829-99-6


  • This report analyses the Spanish audiovisual works available on six US subscription video-on-demand services offered in Spain. In addition to the presence of Spanish works, it examines the main mechanisms used for giving them prominence. The study focuses on analysis of the following services (in order of their arrival in Spain): Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max, Apple TV+, Disney+ and SkyShowtime.
    The main conclusion of this study is that while all of these services include Spanish works in their respective catalogues, the quantity and characteristics of these contents vary considerably. Altogether, 1,591 unique Spanish titles are offered, including international co-productions with the participation of Spanish companies (380 titles). This figure represents an increase of 185 works in one year, as 1,406 titles were registered in January 2023. The Prime Video and Netflix catalogues, respectively with 906 and 641 titles, are the main contributors to the total number of Spanish works available on all services.
    Spanish productions make up 15 % of Prime Video’s catalogue. In second place, Netflix and HBO Max have around 8 % of Spanish works in their catalogues. They are followed by Disney+, whose offer of Spanish titles represents 6 % of the total. Finally, SkyShowtime and Apple TV+ have a smaller amount of local works; in both cases this represents approximately 1 % of the total number of titles in each catalogue.
    The availability of Spanish titles has increased in all the services over the last twelve months. However, parallel growth in the total number of works available in the catalogues has kept the percentage of Spanish works stable. HBO Max, which in 2024 will be renamed Max, is the only exception: the size of its catalogue has decreased in the last year. Some of its "original" productions in Spain have gone on to feed SkyShowtime's offer.
    Regarding the prominence given to Spanish works, most services have introduced mechanisms to highlight the presence of both local and European productions. Except for Apple TV+, the rest of the services have sections devoted to Spanish films and/or series on their home pages. Likewise, Prime Video, Netflix and HBO Max provide access to these sections not only from their home pages, but also through their navigation bars or drop-down menus.


  • Information Science