Emprendimiento en programas de doctorado: perspectivas de doctorandos y profesores sobre el contenido de los cursos = Entrepreneurship in doctoral programs: Perspectives of doctoral students and professors on the content of the courses
published in
publication date
- July 2022
start page
- e612
- 12
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- The academic literature confirms the difference between the perspectives of students and professors when designing and applying teaching methodologies. This paper uses the case of entrepreneurship teaching in doctoral programs to point out the differences between both groups when designing the content of the modules. It also highlights the need to incorporate students' perspectives in the design of this type of courses. This article presents some of the first results of the prodPhD project, funded under the H2020-Swarfs program and started in 2020. The objective of this phase of the project is the design of information retrieval to know the needs of the university community (in particular, students and professors of doctoral programs) in terms of entrepreneurship education. The study uses a mixed methodology which includes surveys to students and professors and interviews to students from several universities and European countries. In a first phase, the interviews were distributed through the contact points of the universities. After the analysis of the results, interviews were conducted with those participants who showed interest in continuing the study. The results reveal that, in the field of entrepreneurship, students and professors have different priorities. It is therefore necessary to combine both perspectives and complement the needs of students with the knowledge and experience of professors to create attractive courses that offer students resources to fulfill their professional needs.
- Information Science
- educación de posgrado; emprendimiento; métodos mixtos; encuestas y cuestionarios; entrevista; education, graduate; entrepreneurship; mixed methods; surveys and questionnaires; interview