Hybrid photonic-plasmonic cavities based on the nanoparticle-on-a-mirror configuration Articles uri icon


publication date

  • December 2021

start page

  • 2398

end page

  • 2419


  • 12


  • 9

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 2327-9125


  • Hybrid photonic-plasmonic cavities have emerged as a new platform to increase ligh-8211;matter interaction capable to enhance the Purcell factor in a singular way not attainable with either photonic or plasmonic cavities sepa rately. In the hybrid cavities proposed so far, the plasmonic element is usually a metallic bow-tie antenna, so the plasmonic gap—defined by lithography—is limited to minimum values of several nanometers. Nanoparticle on-a-mirror (NPoM) cavities are far superior to achieve the smallest possible mode volumes, as plasmonic gaps smaller than 1 nm can be created. Here, we design a hybrid cavity that combines an NPoM plasmonic cavity and a dielectric-nanobeam photonic crystal cavity operating at transverse-magnetic polarization. The metallic nanopar ticle can be placed very close (<1 nm) to the upper surface of the dielectric cavity, which acts as a low-reflectivity mirror. We demonstrate through numerical calculations of the local density of states that this hybrid plasmonic photonic cavity exhibits quality factors Q above 103 and normalized mode volumes V down to 10−3, thus resulting in high Purcell factors (F P ≈ 105), while being experimentally feasible with current technology. Our results suggest that hybrid cavities with sub-nanometer gaps should open new avenues for boosting light–matter interaction in nanophotonic systems.


  • Electronics
  • Optics


  • cavity quantum electrodynamics; dielectric waveguides; light matter interactions; photonic crystal cavities; q factor; raman scattering