Quichottes ou pauvres diables ? Le cas des espagnols dans la Légion étrangère pendant la Grande Guerre Articles
published in
publication date
- September 2023
start page
- 23
end page
- 41
- 291
- 3
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0984-2292
- During the Great War, pro-allied propaganda in Spain exalted the Spanish volunteers in the French Foreign Legion. In addition, there was speculation with exorbitant numbers of volunteers, especially Catalans. Within a framework of propaganda and cultural mobilization, they were only interested in building a myth. This work proposes a study, based on unpublished sources from the archives of the Foreign Legion in Aubagne, to help unravel reality and myth and help us to understand how many and who were the Spanish volunteers in the Great War and what they really fought for.
- History
- Information Science