Efficient radio resource management for future 6G mobile networks: A Cell-Less Approach Articles uri icon


publication date

  • June 2023

start page

  • 95

end page

  • 99


  • 2


  • 5

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0890-8044

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1558-156X


  • Existing mobile communication systems are unable to support ultra high system capacity and high reliability for the edge users of future 6G systems, which are envisioned to guarantee the desired quality of experience. Recently, cell-less radio access networks (RAN) are exploited to boost the system capacity. Therefore, in this letter we propose a cell-less networking approach with an efficient radio resource optimization mechanism to improve the system capacity of the future 6G networks. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed cell-less NG-RAN design provides significant system capacity improvement over the legacy cellular solutions.


  • Computer Science
  • Electronics
  • Telecommunications


  • next-generation radio access network; cell-less networking approach; system capacity; legacy cellular network; radio resource management